I submitted my application to CIO Sydney with DHL, on 20th September and it was received in CIO on 22nd September. Yesterday we received whole application package from Sydney, with a notice that fee payment was not received and that test result from designated testing agency was not accompanied with my application.

They did the whole assessment on 24th September. It means that they did it all in just 2 days.
I payed 1100 CAD in the bank which covers my country. The problem was that lady in the Zagrebacka bank could not find the CIO bank account which is stated in Vienna visa office specific instructions http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37042.pdf , so we payed on the other bank account which is stated in new payment instructions on Vienna visa office internet site http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/austria-autriche/assets/pdfs/Cost_Recovery_Feetable-E.pdf , and it was clearly stated that Application for permanent residence can be payed on this other account. That was actually the only bank account which the lady in the bank have seen when she was doing my payment authorization. Since that was the only bank account which they could find in the bank, I thought that is correct. Now, because of Vienna visa office and their two different payment instructions CIO have returned my application. Tell me people what would you do if you see two different accounts and when you come to the bank, they say that they have only one of them that can bee seen? It was clear situation for me, because fee table instructions (from the second link) is issued after Visa office specific instructions (first link).
Regarding the English test, I send my IELTS result so how did they missed it?
What do you people think about this language test note and fee problem? Should I complain to Vienna visa office and CIO or what?