Hey Paulie,
I understand your situation

, It's a bit interesting 8).
Please understand that CIO NS has changed rules for FSW stream with a new set of occupations and also to include ALL of the documents except PCCs with the initial application on 26th June 2010. That means, people who had sent out their applications or at least i heard who's courier packages bear the sent date as something on or before 26th June 2010, they would still continue to be processed under old rules(38 occupation list + only simplified application process - NO documents required). If the application was sent out after 26th June 2010, then it must comply with the new 29 occupation list and have ALL the documents enclosed. Else they are sure to find their way back home

Given that your application was received by CIO on 26th June 8), and that you have applied under the 38 occupations and NO documents required - simplified application process, and that you have not got your application returned yet

, we can easily conclude that your application is being processed under the pre 26 June ERA 8) 8) 8).
So, relax and gather your documents to submit to the VO in 120 days time line and get ready to FLY

Indira Prabhakaran.