Hi guys,
I have been following this thread since couple of days from page 1 and i wish all of you including me, BEST WISHES and lets hope we all will get our ITAs.
But there is something called REALITY. Are we really gonna get the ITA ? Well, like most of them said "NO", because our scores are too low and we have not seen any draws until now, in which the points dropped below 451. But still, we are aspirant and hopes for the best.
Instead, CIC should make a clear stand, that the minimum cut off for this year will be 400 or 500 or whatever, so that we can do a preliminary assessment and thus, prepare accordingly if qualified.
But what is happening is, even candidates with 100 or 200 scores are also applying. The word "applying" seems easy, but there is a lot of hard work and procedures to meet, even to apply and get in the pool.
Whatever score that one manages to get within his/her limitations, is by the expense of their hard earned money and
Don't you guys think so ?
Still those who are eligible and below 450 are still waiting, after two year again ielts, again waiting. But for how long ? and still CIC updates going on "we intends for a lakh of PRs this year"