Dear oszi,
Thank you! Yes, Vienna works very diligently.
I payed online.
This is complete mail I received:
This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order to complete the processing of your application you must:
pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee - RPRF for yourself and your spouse:
You must submit the proof of payment to this office.
Please confirm your mailing address
If you wish to have same day service, please come to our office in person. Please consult our web site (see below) for our hours of operation.
We request that you comply with these instructions within two months of the date of this letter. Failure to do so may result in the refusal of your application and the closure of your file.
I followed first link and payed with credit card. Before you can make transaction payment system required me to open account which I did.
After cleared transaction, payment system immediately sent me "official receipt" (PDF).
Since they asked that we must submit payment to Vienna office, I used Acrobat (I hate to write with hand

) to fill form within receipt (you need to put your address, UCI and phone number)
Also they requested to confirm address, so I wrote cover letter and save it in PDF
Than on Vienna embassy web page I used link:
"Update my application with additional documents or information"
and submit both, cover letter with details and receipt.
Probably I could just reply on their mail, but in moment of euphoria this was not an option

Now I hope they will respond so I can be sure that I can go in Vienna to pick up visa.