come on folks, don't get so emotional now... i mean, of course this whole process is firstly emotional, and also stressful, annoying, painful, expensive and everything else... but always first think of the reasons you chose to even start this whole thing! and why never come back?! think of it as a vacation or an adventure, to which you've been putting several years into, and then come back home for a month, with enough money to not think if you could visit all of your friends and/or family to whom you want to bring decent gifts.. and, on a top of that, your kids have safe future, and will be growing up in a system where they will learn of normal things to be normal... we are all pretty much same age, and you all know what we've been through in our teenage years... i am sure you don't want your kids to go through such periods.. so, cheer up, we are moving to a better place, where we will secure our kids' future and our own, and will be in much better position to even help our families back home! we all, the ones who are leaving and the ones who are staying, will be better off with us living abroad, trust me! as people say in serbian: bolje je da te zele nego da te zale! true as it comes! good luck to all of you who are packing and to those who are waiting to start packing!