Bozance said:
Hello everyone
I have a question. As I can see from your posts, VO Vienna sends medical requests two months after PER.
I need to inform the VO of the birth of our child. Does anyone knows the full list of documents I need to send and the address of Vienna where I should send?
I need to do this now, before they issue med request.
I received PER on 13 November
First of all, I got medical request 12 months after I got PER. But this was partially due to Vienna VO being busy with having cases transfered from Berlin and Amsterdam and also there was a strike in certain offices last year. Now they got a little bit of relief due to the fact there are few VAC offices opened in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia etc..... which deal with tourist visas etc.......
This is what I got from Vienna VO after they had been informed about child birth:
"Please submit the following documents after the birth of the babies:
- an up-dated Generic application form
- Up-dated Family information forms for you and your spouse
- Copies of the babies' birth certificates
- Evidence of the processing fees paid for the babies:
- 4 passport size photos for the babies,
- Photocopies of the babies' passports
- Up-dated question 8 and 12 in Schedule A for you and your spouse
The information and/or documentation we have requested must be provided to us within 60 days of the date on this letter. If documents have been requested, please provide originals or certified true copies. All documents not in English or French must be accompanied by a certified English or French translation."
Now, regarding the last paragraph, updated question 8 and 12 for me seemed strange, because I wasn't sure if I should fill just those 2 questions and leave others blank, so I filled the last mentioned form completely and signed it with all appendix attached.
Now, I don't say you should do the same, I am just saying what I did and this is my personal experience, not an advice to you what to do !!!
Don't just send the forms from this list to VO. You need to inform the VO ASAP about the birth of a child, and wait for their instructions. Something might have changed from the time I did an update. You never know.
Regardless of me informing the VO about the soon change in the number of family members more than a month before they sent me medicals request, they still invited my wife and myself for medicals at the same time they were requesting additional documents for children.
It took 3 months after the update to get another medical request for kids. Why was this done this way I don't know.
That's why you need to act fast, let them know about the situation right now and start gathering the papers.
By the way, congrats on your newborn baby.