absolute_boy97 said:
Oh, is that so? I am in my fourth year now. I am a bit confused here, is it not like my ref letter from supervisor should confirm 33h/wk work experience for my work at university and that is it? should we get more evidence??
You can do that. But I would strongly recommend claiming less than that for your number of hours. below 25 is safe. Here is why:
Study permit holders do not have any limit as to the number of hours they work ON CAMPUS. However, "full-time study" means attending courses or other program requirements for at least 15 hours per week. It seems as though, based on people's experience, CIC accepts a form of "research assistantship" that is paid for and is reasonably separate from the applicant's studies (more like a part time job!). So, you'd better not claim RA hours more than 40-15=25 hrs/week. There have been people who used >30 hours and slipped through but there have also been a few rejected cases on this forum, only because the visa officer didn't believe those hours could be real for a full time student. In any case, if you claim even 20 hours per week, so long as your employment period is not discontinuous (make that clear in your ref. letter), you will meet the minimum requirement and you'll get at least 9 (or even 11) points for work experience. I hope my explanation clears things up for you.