ASG said:
I think you should also post the new letter here so that people who have written successful letters can check it out.
Thanks N_O and ASG for your advice.
Here are the updated letters. Please let me know your idea and if you confirm it or it needs to be changed. Thanks in Advance:
To: Citizenship and immigration Canada --Date--
Re: Mr. -------- application for permanent residence in Canada
Dear Sir/Madam,
This letter is to confirm that Mr. ------ has worked part-time (20 hours work per week) as a Research Assistant at the -------- Laboratory, School of -----------, University of ---------, from –Date-- to –Date--, specialized in the field of -----------. As a research assistant in our research group, Mr. --------- has assisted me (Professor –A--), Professor –B-- and Professor –C-- in research activities in the area of ---------.
As a Research Assistant his main roles and duties were:
1. Conduct literature reviews, surveys and laboratory experience in the field of ------------- for use in scholarly publications.
2. Participate in research group meetings and seminars.
3. Design and carry out experimental evaluations for research purposes and compile research results.
4. Preparation of journal articles or papers of research results.
5. Assisting professor in analyzing research results and preparing publication (journal articles and conference papers).
6. Prepare and deliver research presentations.
He has accumulated total of 4000 hours work experience with us (20 hours per week * 50 months * 4 weeks per month = 4000 hours) he also has been remunerated for his work as following:
From To Hours Salary (Annual)
--Date-- --Date-- 20/week: 25000$ CAD
--Date-- --Date-- 20/week: 25000$ CAD
--Date-- --Date-- 20/week: 23000$ CAD
--Date-- --Date-- 20/week: 20000$ CAD
--Date-- --Date-- 20/week: 25000$ CAD
--Date-- --Date-- 20/week: 5000$ CAD
If you require more information please contact me at my address below.
Yours sincerely,
Voice: ------------
To whom it may concern,
This letter is to confirm that since –Date-- to –Date-- Mr. ----- has worked as a Teaching Assistant for the University of ----, School of ---------. As a post-secondary Teaching Assistant, Mr. ------ assisted professors in their teaching duties. His main roles and duties in this position were:
- Organize reference material and visual aid materials as required by professors for lectures.
- Conducting tutorials, and quizzes.
- Supervising laboratory sessions.
- Assist faculty members in the preparation and administration of exams; and in grading exams, term papers and laboratory reports.
- Assist faculty members in leading discussion groups and tutorial sections.
The total work experience as a Teaching Assistant accumulated by Mr. ---- is 1300 hours. An outline of his contract for this time period including dates, work hours and salary is given below:
From To Hours Salary
September 1, 2009 December 31,2009, 130 hours, $4,800
January 1, 2010 April 30, 2010, 130 hours, $4,800
May 1, 2010 August 31,2010, 32.5 hours, $1,100
September 1, 2010 December 31, 2010, 130 hours, $4,800
May 1, 2011 August 31, 2011, 130 hours, $4,800
September 1, 2011 December 31, 2011, 97.5 hours, $3,500
January 1, 2012 April 30, 2012, 130 hours, $5,000
May 1, 2012 July 31, 2012, 130 hours, $5,000
September 1, 2012 December 31, 2012, 130 hours, $5,000
January 1, 2013 April 30, 2013, 130 hours, $5,000
September 1, 2013 December 31, 2013, 130 hours, $5,000
If you need additional information you can contact ----- at 6-----, ext. ---- or ----@------