Dear Friends,
I have applied for PR on September 2012 under PhD stream. On March 2013 I got an email that asks me to send them POF and PhD info. I have submitted all of requested documents and also an updated reference letter (RA letter with lead statement) on April 2013.
Base on your recommendations, I ordered a CAIPS note last month an I got it today morning. Based on their assessment I got only 49 points

( Language: 14 points, Age: 10 points, and education: 25 points).
It's amazing because I have an aunt in Canada and I have provided all of related documents in my application to proof of having a relative in Canada who is citizen of Canada and living in Canada. But they did not give me any points for adaptability. In adaptability section it is mentioned that:
Spouse's education: 0
relative in Canada: Points:
Previous study in Canada: NO Points: 0
Previous Work in Canada: NO Points: 0
Arranged employment: 0
Adaptability point: 0
Also in SCHEDULE INFO section it is mentioned :
Relative in Canada

Relationship to relative in Canada: Aunt/Uncle
Also there is a note on my file on 9 May 2013 about my work experience as follows:
I have analyzed this application against the selection criteria for Federal Skileed Workers and make the following recommendations : Age 26=10 points Education: Master degree from *** University. From application form ,PA claims more than 17 years of education. Points = 25. Work experience: qualifiying period:7SEP02 to 7SEP12. PA claims following work experience: 1) Research Assistant (NOC4012) from SEP10 to SEP12 at University of***. PA submitted a letter of reference dated 28 AUG12 which listed duties that do not match the lead statement and there is no indication that PA assissted a faculty membe. 2) Civil Engineer (NOC2131) from AUG08 to AUG10 at *** company. PA submitted a letter of reference dated 13JUN12 which listed duties that match the lead statement but not a substantial number of main duties; PA performed actions that match 3 of 14 main duties. PA has an equivalent of 0 years of work experience, less 1 year=0 points Applicant does not appear to meet R75(2)
It's amazing that they just considered my old RA letter (which issued on 28 AUG2012). It is mentioned that they revived my updated RA letter on 24APR2013 but they did not consider my updated one in assessment
Do you have any recommendation? what can I do now?