TyrusX said:
Yes. But this will soon change. That is the indication Jason Kenney is giving on his twitter.
They should just put restrictions on the parents who show up 8 months pregnant.
Because, let's say, a PhD student, who spends at least 4 years in Canada, won't put his/her life on hold and wait to have a baby when he/she is back in his/her home country.
It wouldn't make sense.
For my child, I would feel it would be very unfair to deny her citizenship. She was born here, and she will likely stay in Canada for at least 2 more years. Why shouldn't she be a citizen?
Citizenship should always depend on 1) parents citizenship AND 2) place of birth
So, babies born from foreign parents should definitely have dual citizenship. No need to make them pay for what a few interested people are doing; just watch out for those and change the law properly to avoid abuse in the system.
I just can't believe they called that law "outdated"...my kid would need a "student" visa to go to preschool! (just kidding...but it's the idea)