Hi everybody,
I prepared this reference letter for my TA/RA experience, please help me to revise this. See if I need to add more details or remove some irrelevant things.
I copied this template posted by the user "RA_toronto", many thanks!
I omitted some personal details.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada- Federal Skilled Worker Program Centralized Intake Office
P.O. Box 8300
Sydney, NS
B1P 0A9 Canada
Subject: Application for permanent residence for Dr. XXX
Dear Citizenship and Immigration Canada,
This letter provides Dr. XXX's detailed job description at the University of XXX, to support his application for Permanent Resident status of Canada. I confirm that XXX has been working as a Graduate Research Assistant and a Graduate Teaching Assistant from September 1, 2010 to August 28, 2014. His detailed job duties are the following.
As a Graduate Research Assistant, he assists me in research activities in the area of XXX. XXX commenced employment as a Graduate Research Assistant on September 1, 2010. Since then, he has been employed part time working 10 hours/week for 195 weeks (1950 hours in total), at an annual salary of $18,300 for the first three years (2010.09 – 2013.08) and $10,000 for the fourth year (2013.09-2014.08).
His responsibilities include:
• Conduct literature reviews, perform computational experiments, and conduct simulations. Report weekly to me via written documents and meetings.
• Analyze and compile results, attend meetings to discuss the findings.
• Prepare scholarly publications for scientific journals and conferences.
• Deliver presentations and posters at conferences or meetings.
As a Graduate Teaching Assistant, his responsibilities include conducting labs, seminars and tutorials to supplement lectures, providing student consultancy, assisting in the preparation and administration of examinations, and grading examinations and assignments. His detailed hours working as a teaching assistant are listed below:
• Janurary 2, 2012 to April 27, 2012 for:
4.28 hours/week for
16.36 weeks
70 hours in total,
At an hourly salary of $38.70
• September 3, 2012 to December 21, 2012:
8.87 hours/week for
15.78 weeks
140 hours in total,
At an hourly salary of $39.44
• January 1, 2013 to April 26, 2013:
8.55 hours/week for
16.37 weeks
140 hours in total,
At an hourly salary of $39.44
• September 2, 2013 to December 20, 2013:
8.87 hours/week for
15.78 weeks
140 hours in total,
At an hourly salary of $39.44
In total, combining the Research Assistantship and Teaching Assistantship, Dr. XXX has worked 2440 hours in his PhD study, in addition to the time he spent towards his PhD studies at the University of XXX.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you need further information.