Thanks for this beneficial information. Actually I was thinking that way because two of my friends, who are supposed to receive a decision this month, either of them have complicated profiles.It depends on so many other factors than just criminal record and/or travel history. Actually, travel history has very little to do with it, unless it's unclear reasons for traveling to some flagged countries.
The completeness of details in your documents, how quickly they can verify all info, etc... All these come into play.
But everything remaining the same, an application with basic travel history, no criminal record, no previous visa rejections or prior refusals to enter a given country, complete application with all details required included in all documents, and everything on par with eligibility requirements... Then yes, it's safe to expect the application to be within the official 6 months processing time.
But again, it's hard to know in advance what detail will attract their attention for further review. IRCC is the only one who holds the key to such mystery.
If all is fine, it's 6 months.
One has work experience of India, Newzealand and currently working in India again. Whereas the other one has different addresses due to the frequent transfers. So their applications are a bit complicated.