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Full Member
Jan 23, 2017
princearora21 said:
Any October AOR's got PPR?

Documents submitted: OCT 7, 2016
AOR: OCT 8, 2016
Medicals: Passed OCT 24, 2016
Addtional documents: Not Needed
BG : In progress( not changed ) Jan 07, 2017

its almost 1 month since background open...waiting for PPR...
is there anyone who has same timeline... and got PPR till now...
my timeline is as follows
Aor:5 oct,2016
Medicals passed: october 19,2016
Bg in process 1st time: 19 oct, 2016
Bg not needed: 9 nov,2016
Bg in process 2nd time: 6 jan,2017

No news after that still waiting for PPR. I am inland PNP applicant. Got my GCMS yesterday everything passed except security. Hope it gets thru asap.
You are not alone


Hero Member
Jul 27, 2015
JSN_2016 said:
Hi Srinivas,

Congrats bro. Share your experience.

Even, I received my CoPR. Did you go to a local IRCC office or any land border Port of Entry?
Thanks bud and congrats to you too for the CoPR. Now that I am done with the landing I am going to spend some time writing my experience.

I believe there are some areas to improve in the express entry processing on the "systems" side as I got an invitation mail on 20th Jan for an "interview" scheduled for today to "finalize the processing of PR". I had ordered the GCMS notes on 17th Jan knowing that I am still within the stipulated processing time. But just like many other "patiently and hopefully optimistic" waiting applicants who tend to check status online every few hours and refresh the email inbox even 30-40 mins I thought what's the harm at the time of ordering the notes?

Then on 24th Jan got the passport request for copr and visa stamping. But since I had the meeting scheduled for today and since the GCMS notes would take about 4 weeks I nervously decided to wait for the "interview" to get over and then proceed with the email that requested to send my passport. Now looking at the experience I feel like laughing. You will know why. Keep reading.

So today I went to IRCC office at Niagara falls where my "interview" was scheduled for 3:00pm. Reached there at 2:50 pm. I am usually punctual and don't like to wait long. ANYWHERE, I mean it.

At the entry gate, there was a car as if waiting for the automatic gate to open. Waited behind this guy patiently thinking he would put in the coins for the gate to open and drive in. But the Mr was just idling and seeing me wait for about a minute behind his car he moved out his car from the way. Phew...1 min lost due to a jackhead I thought with a bated breath! All good so far. No worries I pacified myself.

Searched for the entrance door as there are two doors visible from outside the building while entering the parking area. Apparently, figured from a sign on the door facing the road that the other door is in fact the entry door. It was the single door being used for entry and exit and this door was about 10-12ft away from a board which read "Exit" with a direction arrow near the parking lot on the side of the building.

Wow what a way to begin the interview I thought...

The watch shows 2:58....Fine, I am still on time.

Looking at the door for a sign visible enough to naked eyes of 20/20 vision that says Push/Pull/or any information to get in...Scampering to get hold of anybody who would let me in and about to pee in my pants thinking of missing the interview, on the right side of the door I found one access control panel similar to ones that we usually have to swipe our access card to get into our place of work. A slightly bigger square one and not a rectangle shaped one. But a square or a rectangle, what difference does it make?
Ok. Now what next???
I don't work for IRCC!
How do they expect someone to get in without a visible cue for opening the door.
This is literally my door of immigration!!
Suddenly on that panel I found something written on it in fonts big enough to be read like we are reading something written in a book. Nice I thought. It read "press here to reach out to speak with someone for claiming a refugee status and such immigration help".
Ding! Dong! the bell rung in my imagination but tring tring was what it actually said! Immediately I heard a lady saying " Hello, how can I help you?"
Me without battling an eyelid and not even thinking what if this is the incorrect door or a worst case an IVRS automated message, "I have an appointment for 3pm today" I blurted.
She: "Ok. I shall be down in a minute."
How can I ask without even thinking if this is the correct entrance. Perhaps my desperation to speak to a human voice got the better of me added to the fact that I was too close to the 3:00 pm deadline.

The watch shows 3:01. I had been in this situation before, cool. "The door doesn't tell how to enter and I wasn't sure which door was the entrance" was my thought as a justification for being a minute late. Everything I speak from now must be with confidence, I thought.

The lady welcomed me with a smile and said "Please be seated in the waiting area. The interviewer is in the middle of another appointment with the previous candidate. She will call you once done."
Good, I thought turning towards the waiting area. Just perfect to calm down a bit after my adventure.The lady vanished within no time back behind the door that she came out of.

Waiting area scene:
Roughly a 2000 sq.ft room with 18 seats arranged right in the middle of the room in two rows of 9 seats each with their backs touching each other. I took a seat, the last one at the far end away but facing the entrance door.
The wall on my back had 3 glass windows similar to ones that are present at consulates for immigration interviews. But all were closed. The wall on my left had a showcase with articles and memorabilia of CIC. Articles included a certificate of appreciation to that IRCC centre, rubber stamps, some manuals, some books, few ties and a book on code of conduct. Straight in front of me was a 4x4 ft passage with the doors of washroom for men and women on each side of the passage. Slightly on the right side of the passage on the front wall was a photo frame of the Queen Elizabeth standing ornate with her crown and medallions one of which I think was the Canadian Sovereign. The right side wall had 5 chairs lined up followed by two doors with "interviewer room" plates on them.

I could hear a lady and a family talking from behind one of the doors but was not audible enough as I sat alone in that big room at the far end.

Just while I was looking at the doors a gentleman came out of the next door and was walking towards me. By this time I forgot that I had the washroom behind me as I turned facing the two interview room doors. Is this the interviewer going to grill me? What will he ask? Why did CIC ask me to submit the passport if they are to finalize the processing here at IRCC office? Will it be a conditional PR? Is my application processing still not nearing the end? All such train of questions and doubts ran through my mind. The guy just passed me and straight into the washroom.

Ok never mind. Stuff happen. Cool. Calm down. Whenever it's my turn someone will call me.

But I don't see any speaker. No reception / enquiry counter and best of all, no signs of any humans in the vicinity unless the gentleman comes out of the washroom or the female voice I was hearing from the other door.

Now what's my next option if no body calls me for over 30 mins? There was no formal process of entering my details in a visitor's log, no human handling the door to keep track of who comes in or goes out. How will I prove that I was at the IRCC centre on the scheduled date and time... fine, a minute late, if the interview never happens today?

I calmed myself, buddy you have an exit door which is same as the entrance. Walk out after 30 mins and ring the bell!!
Voila that seems to be a good idea. I was now calm and wanted to wait out the 30 mins before making use of this idea to check whats going on.

Nothing to do, I was just in a state of nether. Next when I turned behind I noticed the wall clock hung above the middle window shows 3:17. Still 13 mins to go I thought. Suddenly I hear sounds of laughter and Congratulations, Thanks, Welcome all flying between a family and a female voice. Finally!! I thought the moment has arrived to face the interview.

The family shortly emerged out of the interview room and was visibly happy. It was their success in cracking a tough interview I believed. Behind the family a stout and middle to old aged lady appeared. Equally happy and smiling. Are you Sri? she asked looking at me. Without hesitating and confidently again I said "Yeah".

Did I put my foot in my mouth now? Could it not be anyone else? asked my confused mind.
Noway, its a White Canadian lady and remember you are an Indian and your very south Indian full name may not be easy to pronounce for her. Take a breathe. Chill. The sensible and rational mind replied.
Come in. She said and I walked into the interview room.

The Interview Room:
Calm and composed I wished her a good afternoon and enquired how her day was. I am slowly picking up the nuances of being in Canada...read small talk habit :)

Without letting her reply my anxious mind too jumped into the small talk mode. Looks it had been a busy day at work as its almost 3:30 and my appointment was for 3:00. I just wanted to kick out this anxious mind not just out of my head but from the universe then and there. If only I had the super power to do so. Alas, super powers are not vested to me. I survived with just a smile. I think now it as an embarrassment.

Yes, it has been a rather busy day with a few landing appointments today here, she said with a smile surprisingly for me.
I have another one scheduled after yours. No two, she continued looking at the papers on her table and offered me a seat.

I took off my jacket and placed it on one of the chairs lined up on the wall 6-8ft away behind me. I don't know why I did this as there were 2 more chairs right next to the one on which I sat for me to place the jacket. Anyway I digress.

I showed her the print out of both the mails. Remember, first mail was for this very interview and second one was for me to send the passport for COPR and Visa stamping.

She asked me, Did CIC not send you the documents?
What documents? I thought, but said, I just got these two mails so I am a bit confused if this is indeed an interview for the processing of my application to go ahead or a landing invitation?
Let me check. Can I have your passport?
I handed over my passport to her.
She entered my passport number onto the computer and confirmed that my PR has been approved.
I grinned.

She: When was the first date when you landed in Canada for this processing?
Me: 30th Aug 2015
She: Ok. Did you have the work permit for this then? Showing up my B1 multiple entry visa to me.
Me: No. I was working for a company in India then and was visiting for presentations and training.
Looking puzzled at me: How can you work in Canada then without a work permit?
Me: I was on Business visa as I was giving presentations and training here. I did not draw a salary here in Canada and did not require a work permit then. But now I have a work permit for working in Canada. Seeing the work permit lying on the table she then realized the dates on the B1 visa was even before I landed in 2015 with a work permit and started flipping my passport pages to find the worker visa. On finding the worker visa she felt a bit relieved. I don't know why she felt the relief rather than me getting that feeling. She asked me the date of landing again. I mentioned that again and offered her to see the work permit. Then she asked me the date the last time I crossed border into Canada.
My mind was still processing what she meant by that?
She looking at her monitor: Was that 10th Jan this year?
Me: Yes. I came back from vacation.
She: Ok. I will ask for the work permit later. She continued typing in something then handed over my passport back.

Hold your breath for the rest what is coming up.

She: Give me a minute as I have to leave you here to retrieve your document.
My anxious mind: Now what? Is she going to get the CoPR? Is she calling some superior to check my documents? Was this the interview or the Interview is yet to start? Picture abhi baki hai mere dost!!
Before I could process these questions she was back with two white sheets printed with something on them holding in her left hand.

She: Now I will ask you few simple questions to which you have to reply me.
I replied a mechanically, lame "Ok" with an equally blank mind.
She:Have you ever been charged or convicted of a crime or offence in any country, refused admission to Canada or required to leave Canada?
Me: No
She: Have you any dependents other than those listed below. I see you have mentioned no in your application.
Me thinking: Should I say Yes as what she sees is right. or No as an answer to the question about dependent?
Happiness creeping in.
Diplomatic thinker me: Yes I mentioned that in the application. I do not have any dependents.
She: Now before I give you these documents, I must say you should check all your details entered in them and check for any spelling mistakes for corrections specially in your name as it has got quite a bit of alphabets and let me know immediately.
Me: Ok.
Heart pumping at supersonic speed!!

She hand over one paper while retaining the other with her.


YES!! I thought without giving out a shriek.
Family name:checked ok
Given name(s): checked ok
Sex: checked ok
Citizenship: checked ok

Me:perfect. Everything is right.
I couldn't hold my happiness and smiled meekly.
She: Good. Now in the lower section of the document you would see the same questions that I asked you for which you replied No. Do you see them? Please read them again and give your initials next to the answer printed as No next to the questions.
I never felt so happy about signing any document in the past few years. And I returned back the CoPR.
Immediately she gave me the other paper that she had and was writing on.
My nutty mind: What's this suspense now??


She: This a copy for you to retain. Can I have your photos?
My nutty mind: YAYYY!!
She continues without any expression on her face. Please put your initials and sign at the bottom of the document. Can I have your passport back?
I give her the passport and photos. She flips over to the worker visa page and searches for an empty page near it.
She with a hint of smile on her face: Seems you don't have many pages left. Are you an engineer? I find engineers are usually adept at writing in very small fonts in a very straight line.

My anxious mind: Why does she need blank pages for and how does it matter if I am an engineer or a doctor?
My rational mind realizing that my passport is called "jumbo passport" in India and that I haven' t been travelling as much as I was in the past said, There are some pages blank in the second half of the passport. I have a very long name and have to write it in smaller fonts when the space is limited. I indicated to the photo's backside noticing she had in her hand.
She then sticks one on the bottom of the document she had on her side of the table and clips the other one on the top right corner of the same document.
She now with a smile "Thump" stamps on the passport and scribbles something on it.
Then with a beaming smile: Congratulations and Welcome. You are now a permanent resident of Canada and you don't have to apply for a visa to enter Canada in the next 5 years. Can I see your work permit now?

My nutty mind was still not accepting the fact and was questioning the Maple Leaf Visa left out of the landing process for being a permanent resident of Canada for which I had paid the fees upfront many months back.

A calm, composed and a very happy me controlling my emotions: Is that all? Is my landing process completed? Just confirming that I don't have to cross the Canadian border? I hand over my Work Permit.

She with the smile still intact on her aging face, No my dear. If you want to get another job or plan to go back to school here or travel in and out of Canada you don't need a work permit. You see I have handwritten PRXXXXX in the stamp I placed on your passport. Pointing it to me.
Referring to XXXXX next to the scribbling in the stamp on the passport, see this number is same as that you find in the document indicating it in the CoPR copy she had with her.

My poor nutty, anxious mind had to digest the fact that I am now an official PR and do not require any further processing in terms of the PR application. It also had to be content with the fact that I do not get the additional Maple Leaf Visa on my passport like others.

She then mentioned that I would have to contact Service Ontario and Service Canada to update my status for the OHIP card and
a new SIN which I would have to provide to my employer just for updating my status with them.

Taking out another paper she then told me that I will have to spend 2 years in the next 5 year period to retain the PR.
Meanwhile you can expect your PR card delivered in approx 2.5 months that is around...she paused and my nutty,no more anxious but a very happy mind and tongue blurted "mid April".

Laughingly she said Yes and handed over the last paper to me telling that it has the phone number to call to, for checking about the PR card status if it is not delivered by that time.

I then started collecting and winding up the supporting documents I had placed on the table and said with a broad smile, Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead.

She still smiling: You too have a good day. Congratulations again and don't forget to take all your things with you while leaving.

That's the end of my story today as I learnt that not just the "system" but I too have some areas to improve.But the journey matters more than the route and the wait continues for the next stage of the journey called immigration to a foreign land!!

I hope you liked the story and gives you a bit of release from the mental tension and anxiety of the waiting game.

Best luck and cheers!!

Special thanks@ JSN_2016,vickymichael for giving me this opportunity to write now that I dont have to keep checking the status.

Jay-1994, Matt-NL, andy108,Canadaexp,princearora21 you all will too get the good news soon.
Keep hanging there and meanwhile you may read my story here to give some comfort and hope.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2016
Got PPR email around half an hour back. So elated.

AOR - 23 Oct 2016
Medicals Passed - 5 Nov 2016
BCK in progress(1st Time) - 25 January 2017
PPR - 2 February 2017


VIP Member
Apr 29, 2015
testuser100 said:
Got PPR email around half an hour back. So elated.

AOR - 23 Oct 2016
Medicals Passed - 5 Nov 2016
BCK in progress(1st Time) - 25 January 2017
PPR - 2 February 2017

Your Visa office, stream and country of residence, please?


Hero Member
Sep 14, 2015
Job Offer........
s23srinivas said:
Thanks bud and congrats to you too for the CoPR. Now that I am done with the landing I am going to spend some time writing my experience.

I believe there are some areas to improve in the express entry processing on the "systems" side as I got an invitation mail on 20th Jan for an "interview" scheduled for today to "finalize the processing of PR". I had ordered the GCMS notes on 17th Jan knowing that I am still within the stipulated processing time. But just like many other "patiently and hopefully optimistic" waiting applicants who tend to check status online every few hours and refresh the email inbox even 30-40 mins I thought what's the harm at the time of ordering the notes?

Then on 24th Jan got the passport request for copr and visa stamping. But since I had the meeting scheduled for today and since the GCMS notes would take about 4 weeks I nervously decided to wait for the "interview" to get over and then proceed with the email that requested to send my passport. Now looking at the experience I feel like laughing. You will know why. Keep reading.

So today I went to IRCC office at Niagara falls where my "interview" was scheduled for 3:00pm. Reached there at 2:50 pm. I am usually punctual and don't like to wait long. ANYWHERE, I mean it.

At the entry gate, there was a car as if waiting for the automatic gate to open. Waited behind this guy patiently thinking he would put in the coins for the gate to open and drive in. But the Mr was just idling and seeing me wait for about a minute behind his car he moved out his car from the way. Phew...1 min lost due to a jackhead I thought with a bated breath! All good so far. No worries I pacified myself.

Searched for the entrance door as there are two doors visible from outside the building while entering the parking area. Apparently, figured from a sign on the door facing the road that the other door is in fact the entry door. It was the single door being used for entry and exit and this door was about 10-12ft away from a board which read "Exit" with a direction arrow near the parking lot on the side of the building.

Wow what a way to begin the interview I thought...

The watch shows 2:58....Fine, I am still on time.

Looking at the door for a sign visible enough to naked eyes of 20/20 vision that says Push/Pull/or any information to get in...Scampering to get hold of anybody who would let me in and about to pee in my pants thinking of missing the interview, on the right side of the door I found one access control panel similar to ones that we usually have to swipe our access card to get into our place of work. A slightly bigger square one and not a rectangle shaped one. But a square or a rectangle, what difference does it make?
Ok. Now what next???
I don't work for IRCC!
How do they expect someone to get in without a visible cue for opening the door.
This is literally my door of immigration!!
Suddenly on that panel I found something written on it in fonts big enough to be read like we are reading something written in a book. Nice I thought. It read "press here to reach out to speak with someone for claiming a refugee status and such immigration help".
Ding! Dong! the bell rung in my imagination but tring tring was what it actually said! Immediately I heard a lady saying " Hello, how can I help you?"
Me without battling an eyelid and not even thinking what if this is the incorrect door or a worst case an IVRS automated message, "I have an appointment for 3pm today" I blurted.
She: "Ok. I shall be down in a minute."
How can I ask without even thinking if this is the correct entrance. Perhaps my desperation to speak to a human voice got the better of me added to the fact that I was too close to the 3:00 pm deadline.

The watch shows 3:01. I had been in this situation before, cool. "The door doesn't tell how to enter and I wasn't sure which door was the entrance" was my thought as a justification for being a minute late. Everything I speak from now must be with confidence, I thought.

The lady welcomed me with a smile and said "Please be seated in the waiting area. The interviewer is in the middle of another appointment with the previous candidate. She will call you once done."
Good, I thought turning towards the waiting area. Just perfect to calm down a bit after my adventure.The lady vanished within no time back behind the door that she came out of.

Waiting area scene:
Roughly a 2000 sq.ft room with 18 seats arranged right in the middle of the room in two rows of 9 seats each with their backs touching each other. I took a seat, the last one at the far end away but facing the entrance door.
The wall on my back had 3 glass windows similar to ones that are present at consulates for immigration interviews. But all were closed. The wall on my left had a showcase with articles and memorabilia of CIC. Articles included a certificate of appreciation to that IRCC centre, rubber stamps, some manuals, some books, few ties and a book on code of conduct. Straight in front of me was a 4x4 ft passage with the doors of washroom for men and women on each side of the passage. Slightly on the right side of the passage on the front wall was a photo frame of the Queen Elizabeth standing ornate with her crown and medallions one of which I think was the Canadian Sovereign. The right side wall had 5 chairs lined up followed by two doors with "interviewer room" plates on them.

I could hear a lady and a family talking from behind one of the doors but was not audible enough as I sat alone in that big room at the far end.

Just while I was looking at the doors a gentleman came out of the next door and was walking towards me. By this time I forgot that I had the washroom behind me as I turned facing the two interview room doors. Is this the interviewer going to grill me? What will he ask? Why did CIC ask me to submit the passport if they are to finalize the processing here at IRCC office? Will it be a conditional PR? Is my application processing still not nearing the end? All such train of questions and doubts ran through my mind. The guy just passed me and straight into the washroom.

Ok never mind. Stuff happen. Cool. Calm down. Whenever it's my turn someone will call me.

But I don't see any speaker. No reception / enquiry counter and best of all, no signs of any humans in the vicinity unless the gentleman comes out of the washroom or the female voice I was hearing from the other door.

Now what's my next option if no body calls me for over 30 mins? There was no formal process of entering my details in a visitor's log, no human handling the door to keep track of who comes in or goes out. How will I prove that I was at the IRCC centre on the scheduled date and time... fine, a minute late, if the interview never happens today?

I calmed myself, buddy you have an exit door which is same as the entrance. Walk out after 30 mins and ring the bell!!
Voila that seems to be a good idea. I was now calm and wanted to wait out the 30 mins before making use of this idea to check whats going on.

Nothing to do, I was just in a state of nether. Next when I turned behind I noticed the wall clock hung above the middle window shows 3:17. Still 13 mins to go I thought. Suddenly I hear sounds of laughter and Congratulations, Thanks, Welcome all flying between a family and a female voice. Finally!! I thought the moment has arrived to face the interview.

The family shortly emerged out of the interview room and was visibly happy. It was their success in cracking a tough interview I believed. Behind the family a stout and middle to old aged lady appeared. Equally happy and smiling. Are you Sri? she asked looking at me. Without hesitating and confidently again I said "Yeah".

Did I put my foot in my mouth now? Could it not be anyone else? asked my confused mind.
Noway, its a White Canadian lady and remember you are an Indian and your very south Indian full name may not be easy to pronounce for her. Take a breathe. Chill. The sensible and rational mind replied.
Come in. She said and I walked into the interview room.

The Interview Room:
Calm and composed I wished her a good afternoon and enquired how her day was. I am slowly picking up the nuances of being in Canada...read small talk habit :)

Without letting her reply my anxious mind too jumped into the small talk mode. Looks it had been a busy day at work as its almost 3:30 and my appointment was for 3:00. I just wanted to kick out this anxious mind not just out of my head but from the universe then and there. If only I had the super power to do so. Alas, super powers are not vested to me. I survived with just a smile. I think now it as an embarrassment.

Yes, it has been a rather busy day with a few landing appointments today here, she said with a smile surprisingly for me.
I have another one scheduled after yours. No two, she continued looking at the papers on her table and offered me a seat.

I took off my jacket and placed it on one of the chairs lined up on the wall 6-8ft away behind me. I don't know why I did this as there were 2 more chairs right next to the one on which I sat for me to place the jacket. Anyway I digress.

I showed her the print out of both the mails. Remember, first mail was for this very interview and second one was for me to send the passport for COPR and Visa stamping.

She asked me, Did CIC not send you the documents?
What documents? I thought, but said, I just got these two mails so I am a bit confused if this is indeed an interview for the processing of my application to go ahead or a landing invitation?
Let me check. Can I have your passport?
I handed over my passport to her.
She entered my passport number onto the computer and confirmed that my PR has been approved.
I grinned.

She: When was the first date when you landed in Canada for this processing?
Me: 30th Aug 2015
She: Ok. Did you have the work permit for this then? Showing up my B1 multiple entry visa to me.
Me: No. I was working for a company in India then and was visiting for presentations and training.
Looking puzzled at me: How can you work in Canada then without a work permit?
Me: I was on Business visa as I was giving presentations and training here. I did not draw a salary here in Canada and did not require a work permit then. But now I have a work permit for working in Canada. Seeing the work permit lying on the table she then realized the dates on the B1 visa was even before I landed in 2015 with a work permit and started flipping my passport pages to find the worker visa. On finding the worker visa she felt a bit relieved. I don't know why she felt the relief rather than me getting that feeling. She asked me the date of landing again. I mentioned that again and offered her to see the work permit. Then she asked me the date the last time I crossed border into Canada.
My mind was still processing what she meant by that?
She looking at her monitor: Was that 10th Jan this year?
Me: Yes. I came back from vacation.
She: Ok. I will ask for the work permit later. She continued typing in something then handed over my passport back.

Hold your breath for the rest what is coming up.

She: Give me a minute as I have to leave you here to retrieve your document.
My anxious mind: Now what? Is she going to get the CoPR? Is she calling some superior to check my documents? Was this the interview or the Interview is yet to start? Picture abhi baki hai mere dost!!
Before I could process these questions she was back with two white sheets printed with something on them holding in her left hand.

She: Now I will ask you few simple questions to which you have to reply me.
I replied a mechanically, lame "Ok" with an equally blank mind.
She:Have you ever been charged or convicted of a crime or offence in any country, refused admission to Canada or required to leave Canada?
Me: No
She: Have you any dependents other than those listed below. I see you have mentioned no in your application.
Me thinking: Should I say Yes as what she sees is right. or No as an answer to the question about dependent?
Happiness creeping in.
Diplomatic thinker me: Yes I mentioned that in the application. I do not have any dependents.
She: Now before I give you these documents, I must say you should check all your details entered in them and check for any spelling mistakes for corrections specially in your name as it has got quite a bit of alphabets and let me know immediately.
Me: Ok.
Heart pumping at supersonic speed!!

She hand over one paper while retaining the other with her.


YES!! I thought without giving out a shriek.
Family name:checked ok
Given name(s): checked ok
Sex: checked ok
Citizenship: checked ok

Me:perfect. Everything is right.
I couldn't hold my happiness and smiled meekly.
She: Good. Now in the lower section of the document you would see the same questions that I asked you for which you replied No. Do you see them? Please read them again and give your initials next to the answer printed as No next to the questions.
I never felt so happy about signing any document in the past few years. And I returned back the CoPR.
Immediately she gave me the other paper that she had and was writing on.
My nutty mind: What's this suspense now??


She: This a copy for you to retain. Can I have your photos?
My nutty mind: YAYYY!!
She continues without any expression on her face. Please put your initials and sign at the bottom of the document. Can I have your passport back?
I give her the passport and photos. She flips over to the worker visa page and searches for an empty page near it.
She with a hint of smile on her face: Seems you don't have many pages left. Are you an engineer? I find engineers are usually adept at writing in very small fonts in a very straight line.

My anxious mind: Why does she need blank pages for and how does it matter if I am an engineer or a doctor?
My rational mind realizing that my passport is called "jumbo passport" in India and that I haven' t been travelling as much as I was in the past said, There are some pages blank in the second half of the passport. I have a very long name and have to write it in smaller fonts when the space is limited. I indicated to the photo's backside noticing she had in her hand.
She then sticks one on the bottom of the document she had on her side of the table and clips the other one on the top right corner of the same document.
She now with a smile "Thump" stamps on the passport and scribbles something on it.
Then with a beaming smile: Congratulations and Welcome. You are now a permanent resident of Canada and you don't have to apply for a visa to enter Canada in the next 5 years. Can I see your work permit now?

My nutty mind was still not accepting the fact and was questioning the Maple Leaf Visa left out of the landing process for being a permanent resident of Canada for which I had paid the fees upfront many months back.

A calm, composed and a very happy me controlling my emotions: Is that all? Is my landing process completed? Just confirming that I don't have to cross the Canadian border? I hand over my Work Permit.

She with the smile still intact on her aging face, No my dear. If you want to get another job or plan to go back to school here or travel in and out of Canada you don't need a work permit. You see I have handwritten PRXXXXX in the stamp I placed on your passport. Pointing it to me.
Referring to XXXXX next to the scribbling in the stamp on the passport, see this number is same as that you find in the document indicating it in the CoPR copy she had with her.

My poor nutty, anxious mind had to digest the fact that I am now an official PR and do not require any further processing in terms of the PR application. It also had to be content with the fact that I do not get the additional Maple Leaf Visa on my passport like others.

She then mentioned that I would have to contact Service Ontario and Service Canada to update my status for the OHIP card and
a new SIN which I would have to provide to my employer just for updating my status with them.

Taking out another paper she then told me that I will have to spend 2 years in the next 5 year period to retain the PR.
Meanwhile you can expect your PR card delivered in approx 2.5 months that is around...she paused and my nutty,no more anxious but a very happy mind and tongue blurted "mid April".

Laughingly she said Yes and handed over the last paper to me telling that it has the phone number to call to, for checking about the PR card status if it is not delivered by that time.

I then started collecting and winding up the supporting documents I had placed on the table and said with a broad smile, Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead.

She still smiling: You too have a good day. Congratulations again and don't forget to take all your things with you while leaving.

That's the end of my story today as I learnt that not just the "system" but I too have some areas to improve.But the journey matters more than the route and the wait continues for the next stage of the journey called immigration to a foreign land!!

I hope you liked the story and gives you a bit of release from the mental tension and anxiety of the waiting game.

Best luck and cheers!!

Special thanks@ JSN_2016,vickymichael for giving me this opportunity to write now that I dont have to keep checking the status.

Jay-1994, Matt-NL, andy108,Canadaexp,princearora21 you all will too get the good news soon.
Keep hanging there and meanwhile you may read my story here to give some comfort and hope.
Wow.....what a great way to describe your emotions on getting CoPR.
Good luck for the new future in Canada.


Hero Member
Jul 31, 2016
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
26-10-2016 (1st AOR) / 01-12-2016 (BOWP - 2nd AOR)
Med's Done....
09-11-2016 (Passed)
Passport Req..
Golden email has arrived! :)

I'm so happy! I hope everyone gets it soon!


VIP Member
Apr 29, 2015
s23srinivas said:
Thanks bud and congrats to you too for the CoPR. Now that I am done with the landing I am going to spend some time writing my experience.

I believe there are some areas to improve in the express entry processing on the "systems" side as I got an invitation mail on 20th Jan for an "interview" scheduled for today to "finalize the processing of PR". I had ordered the GCMS notes on 17th Jan knowing that I am still within the stipulated processing time. But just like many other "patiently and hopefully optimistic" waiting applicants who tend to check status online every few hours and refresh the email inbox even 30-40 mins I thought what's the harm at the time of ordering the notes?


I hope you liked the story and gives you a bit of release from the mental tension and anxiety of the waiting game.

Best luck and cheers!!

Special thanks@ JSN_2016,vickymichael for giving me this opportunity to write now that I dont have to keep checking the status.

Jay-1994, Matt-NL, andy108,Canadaexp,princearora21 you all will too get the good news soon.
Keep hanging there and meanwhile you may read my story here to give some comfort and hope.
Man, that is a fantastic write up! Excellent! I'm impressed! +1 for sharing your story!

Congratulations! All the very best!


Hero Member
Sep 14, 2015
Job Offer........
testuser100 said:
Got PPR email around half an hour back. So elated.

AOR - 23 Oct 2016
Medicals Passed - 5 Nov 2016
BCK in progress(1st Time) - 25 January 2017
PPR - 2 February 2017
Congrats buddy.
Good luck for the new future in Canada. :)


Hero Member
Aug 18, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
10-12-2016 passed
Passport Req..
testuser100 said:
Got PPR email around half an hour back. So elated.

AOR - 23 Oct 2016
Medicals Passed - 5 Nov 2016
BCK in progress(1st Time) - 25 January 2017
PPR - 2 February 2017
Congratulations!! :)


Hero Member
Aug 18, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
10-12-2016 passed
Passport Req..
neorol said:
Golden email has arrived! :)

I'm so happy! I hope everyone gets it soon!
Congrats and enjoy the feeling! :) :)


Hero Member
Aug 18, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
10-12-2016 passed
Passport Req..
s23srinivas said:
Thanks bud and congrats to you too for the CoPR. Now that I am done with the landing I am going to spend some time writing my experience.

I believe there are .....

I hope you liked the story and gives you a bit of release from the mental tension and anxiety of the waiting game.

Best luck and cheers!!

Special thanks@ JSN_2016,vickymichael for giving me this opportunity to write now that I dont have to keep checking the status.

Jay-1994, Matt-NL, andy108,Canadaexp,princearora21 you all will too get the good news soon.
Keep hanging there and meanwhile you may read my story here to give some comfort and hope.
Wow, what a detailed story, I'm wondering how were you able to remember all of that, I know that I wouldn't ;D

Congratulations and all the best!


VIP Member
Nov 26, 2015
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
Guys congrats with PPRs wish you all the best with further steps and to those who are outland, successful relocation!