Hearty Congratulations to all those who received PPR this week so far!!!
Hope the showers of rain drench us in the coming weeks too!!!
A quick question friends!!! As I see in the Spreadsheet, most of the applicants had taken a smart decision by paying the RPRF Upfront. I haven't paid yet, as they haven't requested it yet. However, in our application, background check went into progress on April 1st 2016. Is this normal? Ours is a FSW Outland application, a bit apprehensive of when we could get the "golden mail". Has there been instances where the Background check goes into "In progress" prior to the RPRF Request? Can anyone please throw some light into this?
AOR Nov 3rd. Well I do have company of applicants sharing the same AOR and co-incidently most of them being FSW Outland. Really hoping for some good news for all of us "November Applicants" very soon!!!
God bless us all!!!!