Got the much awaited mail from CiC with the subject line - Ready for Visa / Prêt pour Visa

Thank you everyone for their support and help. Last 1 year has been really crazy with IELTS test results, ECA report, Job duty letters, ITA mail wait and all milestones after AoR. Best of luck to everyone who are waiting, you are just few steps away.
I am based out of Mumbai so will submit the Passport at VFS centre here which will send it to LVO - New delhi. Just few questions -
a. I need to submit only the latest passport and not the old ones? -
New one
b. Along with passport need to submit 2 photos and print out of mail only? -
c. Do I need to collect my passport from VFS back or will they send it to my residence. -
I'm not sure since I was Inland FSW. May be others can guide you. But AFAIK you have to pick it up from VFS.
Anyone who has submitted their passport in Mumbai/India please share their experience. Thanks