I think the first thing you have to do is figure out what you want to study. Yes, most people who apply for study permits have intentions of settling in Canada but if you are a bonafide student, you start with finding out what you want to study and where. From there, you can make plans and make things less confusing. Confused about timelines? Figure out which institution you want to attend so you can determine the intakes and the application process. Some schools give their offer letters within a week, others take months. When you identify the school you like, then you also find out what requirements you need to complete like IELTS and getting your school records. If you find out these details, then you can estimate when to apply for your study permit. If you also know which program you want to study, then you can ask the schools present at the EduCanada fair about application process and timelines. SDS program is supposed to stream line your paper based application so you can get a decision within 30 days but that is assuming you have all your requirements ready, including a letter of acceptance from your
I think the first thing you have to do is figure out what you want to study. Yes, most people who apply for study permits have intentions of settling in Canada but if you are a bonafide student, you start with finding out what you want to study and where. From there, you can make plans and make things less confusing. Confused about timelines? Figure out which institution you want to attend so you can determine the intakes and the application process. Some schools give their offer letters within a week, others take months. When you identify the school you like, then you also find out what requirements you need to complete like IELTS and getting your school records. If you find out these details, then you can estimate when to apply for your study permit. If you also know which program you want to study, then you can ask the schools present at the EduCanada fair about application process and timelines. SDS program is supposed to stream line your paper based application so you can get a decision within 30 days but that is assuming you have all your requirements ready, including a letter of acceptance from your chosen school. Good luck!
Thank you, this is very helpful to me. Went to the fair awhile ago and was able to choose a college and a graduate course that i'm going to take. I just need one more opinion, if i'm going to ask help from a consultation agency would there be a difference?