Yesterday was the day of both sadness and happiness.!!
Today when we reached VFS, at first my friend entered in as he was curious to know what's there in the envelope? Then when he came out, it was what we were deliberately expecting!! The MEDICALS!! wooohooooo!!! ;D
Then i got in and asked the vfs ppl that if i can submit my passport, as till now i haven't recieved any call they said yes you can but also give a letter saying that I am getting late... Then i finally did it and submitted my passport with that letter.
Now when i came out my friend said that with his medicals there is also a letter which requests him to ask the university to give a new acceptance letter for late registration or A new acceptence letter for January session! as the date 29 aug is the last date of registration! which is on Sunday and they will not be able to give the visa on that day!..So there is a big problem now that will the university issue him the letter for late registration or a Letter of acceptance for January session or Will not issue any letter!!?
Now we went for his medicals, when we were there at hospital I recieved a call from CHC to resubmit my passport!! I said OK.. but that lady didn't know that i have already submitted it in the morning with that letter.!! lolz
So this was what happened yesterday..I think i 'll be getting the visa next week but the fate of my friend is in the University's hands!! ???