Hi, very first post here. Just wanted to say that this is an incredibly useful website. really helpful!
I have a couple of questions:
1) So i got my ITA on the 14th and have started to put all my documents in place for my application. While doing so i realised that i had put the months wrong in one of my jobs for the foreign work experience category(put September instead of May). I calculated and even after the correction i still have more than 6 years of foreign work experience. Is this OK going to be an issue?
2) It says that the jobs done should be continuous and full time (more than 30 hours) So if have worked at one place for 2 years and 2 months and then immediately afterwards at another with the same profile for 3 months, it would be calculated at 2 years and 5 months or would the 3 months not be valid?
Would really appreciated any info on this.