india2canada..... said:My fathers income was 2.70lacs on paper while i applied for visa n i got approval ... Annual income is not a promblemif u have education loan !!!!!! Thats it is the must thing in spp ,,,,, good luck !!!!! Approve bank loan as much as possible it wont be problem !!!!
sandhuboy said:rules changed buddy . Cheak new spp cheak list.
buddy i really have a serious question here to asksandhuboy said:according to me paying fee and deposit money in canadian bank shows to VO that you r financial strong and other thing rent etc. Shows you strong bound with your home country .. According to me..?
THE THING IS i dont have enough funds for university and even dont have itr's dats y spp is the only hope for mesandhuboy said:your profile is great above avg. Student if u do not done a networking course that u done then also course u opt. In sheriden is related to BCA. According to u will get a visa .
But why do'nt u go for uni. Because visa rate is very high as comparing to colleges?
If you are able to fulfill above two conditions. then who cares about your source of income. :sawal said:yeah now wat i m going to do now is
1) paying the first year complete fees (13,455) dollars
2) getting a GIC of 10,000 dollars
3) Source of income (rent agreement of factory on the name of my mother )
32,000 per month annualy 3,84,000
am i fine on financial grounds ????????????????????