Thanks to the information on this topic and
as well as few other blog sites, I applied for my transcript yesterday(Nov 17,2015) and I was done in 20 minutes flat. Hopefully when I go on Friday to get them, there are no surprises
Just wanted to add my two cents:
- The official information from AU is present in this link, which also contains a model application form.
- The office entrance is located much before the main Anna University entrance and it is the 2nd or 3rd gate as soon as you take left turn on Raj Bhavan junction, when you come from Saidapet/Little mount. Photo of the entrance can be seen using the link below
- As Im from CEG(College of Engineering, Guindy), the process was much simpler. No photo or Id proof or DOB proof was required !! Photo copies of certificates, DD, One A3 size envelope and the filled in transcript application form were the only things that I submitted. They did not even take the originals from me and said I can collect the transcript after 3 days. It is 7 to 10 days for other colleges I guess
- I only took one DD for Rs 500 as I believe a) letter stating "Non issuance of semester wise" and b) filling of ARF(Academic Records request Form) is not needed. Regarding the letter, may be that was an old requisite from WES and now they themselves have understood that Anna university (probably many other universities) do not issue them. The consolidated sheet has the semester wise marks anyway...Regarding the ARF, WES has mentioned that it is optional for us to use. I believe the form is for the cases where universities send transcripts directly to WES. In those cases WES will use the form to match up transcript and our request(assuming the envelope doesn't have WES reference).....Another thing on the DD is that, if for any reason additional amount needs to be paid, I don't see any reason to get separate DDs and one DD for the total amount will suffice. That is my thought anyway
In case you need to call them up, use the below details:
Timings: 10 AM to 5:30 PM ( including Saturday)
Lunch Time: 1:30 to 2:00PM
Contact number: 044 2235 7247 or 044 2235 7245
Hope it helps..