Hi Everyone,
Sorry dear members, I did not know how to make an independent post I am a new member. My husband however Iranian, but is in India studying and I am in Canada. I have filled his application in Oct 2 2013, They started processing my application in Ankara on Feb 28 2014 , but due to some documents and police clearance and re-medical assessment our application got delayed. They asked us for Reassessment of Medical on Sep11 and we provided that on Oct. We got Decision made on our application Nov 2, 2014. Since then we have not received anything. I email them twice since then. It is almost a month and half now! It is an outland sponsorship? Is it normal to way a month and half after Decision Made?
Any one who is in the same boat? They ask my husband to send the medical reassessment to the Indian Medical Center not to Anakara. We have not been asked for an interview as well! They got the medical assessment and have made a decision, but we do not know what decision. Anyone who got Decision Made Nov 2 got PPR Yet? Please share! I am getting crazy! I started to take sleeping tablets now! It is killing me! My Husband is far away!
Application File Oct 2, 2014
Application Processing Started Feb 28
Medical Recieved
Decision Made Nov 2, 2014
PPR Waiting for God's Perfect Time
Visa Issued Waing for God's Perfect time
Landed Waiting for God's perfect Time
Please someone Help! :-[
