is excel correctly updated?for example talking about me ı had my SA on Auugust 20 and ı can see ıts not filled
yes thats rıght we are tryıng to make an average about the tımes(calculatıon and really ı dont know ıf the excel ıs true)Allan_fgh said:Hi Everyone,
I recently come across your post and also the Google Excel sheet. I have applied for sponsorship in July. I want to ask if the spreadsheet is up to date and if not can I ask its owner to update it so we will be informed about the progress of cases.
Thank you
Hey,She.D said:Hi everyone
hope you all are doing great, and near to lots of good news before Xmass,
Guys does anyone here knows about the b4 and b4a forms which are about our stuffs, and luggage
it used to be on this page but not anymore, have you found it somewhere else?!
Hello, did you able to find the solution to your issue my friend?ninakap30 said:Hello
we are ın Turkey so we collected all our papers and we are ready to go to translator and later to notary to wrıte on the photocopıes whats CIC asks: “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”,
the name of the original document,
the date of the certification,
his or her name,
his or her official position or title, and
his or her signature.
But:here the notarıes says the rules dıfferent:they can wrıte(prınt )on the papers these.fısrt a translator wıll wrıte thıs and later only they can wrı ıs thıs possıble?ıs there someone doıng the procedure from tyrkey and talked wıth a notary?ıf someone dıd could gıve me hıs/her contact detaıls?or whatever u know would help me a lot
hellobrk09 said:Hello, did you able to find the solution to your issue my friend?
bk12 said:Hi dears,
They sent a request to provide updated documents to us in Sep 15th, we sent it and based on the track it was delivered in Oct 2nd .still we are waiting for in process in site(step before PPR), do you think it is better to send an email to them and make sure if our document has been delivered to related department or not! why after 18 days our status hasn't been changed.
ninakap30 said:Guys!!!need ur advıce...yesterday the partner of my husbands partner threatened me through facebook and messages that he will cut my neck he will sent me back from where ı came here ı wıll make u bad etc...ı sent maıl at son ınternatıonal canada servıce sayıng them please help me what do ı have to do?they saıd me to contact ımmedıately wıth the embassy or the u thınk ı should to?we have our case for my husbands Pr shpould ı contact them and ask them help for thıs?
yes but these messages are from facebook...wıll they accept them?hop so yes no need to mıx the embassy nowMrs.KOR said:You can go directly to the district attorney's office to file a complaint. You have the threat messages as an evidence.