Hello All!
I am elated to receive the stamped passport in my hand today almost after a month. My experience is same like all other applicants who ‘in the process of visa' might have encountered feelings of anxiety, nervousness on having missed some documents, the uncertainty in applications and so on...
I would like to start with my profile first to roughly give an idea to students who wish to know with what background I got through!
1. RF Design Engineer(2011 to present)

epartment of Research and Development for design of RF High power amplifiers for Defence and Telecom applications
2. Master of Science in Physics, specialization in Electronics):72% aggregate: First class with distinction
3. Bachelor of Science in Physics): 76% aggregate: First Class with distinction
How I got through the University?
I applied to two Universities last year in December:
1. U of Waterloo, got rejected as the professor never got back to me and acceptance by the professor is the condition for acceptance in the University.
2. U of Calgary: I got accepted here for Masters! Well not in first shot!! I was initially rejected by the Department of ECE in May as my pure science background did not appeal to them.
YES, it was disheartening to receive rejections after 6 months of waiting period from both the places. With TOEFL expiring in June, it became another matter of concern as I would have to reappear if rejected!
After having sent many mails to one of my prospective supervisors in Calgary who has done enormous research in my area, I heard from him and I was interviewed and gave a presentation towards the end of May. I finally received an unconditional offer letter on June 5 with full funding!!
Visa Process:
I applied at VFS Mumbai with these documents without upfront medical test on June 26, 2014.
Main Documents:
1. Student Permit Application Form
2. Student Permit Questionnaire
3. Family Info
4. VFS University Study Permit Checklist
5. VFS Consent form
6. Colour Printout of Letter of Acceptance
7. Original passport
8. 2 photos
Education Documents:
Only Transcripts of Master's degree and Bachelor's degree. I did not submit any marksheets or degree certificates. My original docs were with a Univ here as I was about to take admission here if Canada didn't happen.
When I received my originals, I sent photocopies of my mark sheets(non-notarized!!) of all years on July 11, 2014 in the second slot as ‘additional education documents' even though I wasn't asked to. Prior to sending hard copies, I had sent scanned copies to intimate them.
Covering Letters:
My letter was not an SOP because there were hardly 3-4 lines on my purpose of study. It was more of a short request letter for visa. I will be copying pasting the exact letter in the following message for reference. I had not submitted any SOP per say.
Another was a covering letter from my father who over n above my assistantship funds and my own savings would be my primary financial support!
Medical Request:
I received a mail to proceed with tests on July 11,2014, 2 hours after I visited VFS to submit my mark sheets implying that probably my transcripts sufficed, if we go by the positive sign of a medical call.
Financial Documents:
Bank statements and certificates of self and father's.
Offer Letter indicating unconditional acceptance with teaching assistantship for two years
I had shown almost 75k $ of which, I have received 42k $ as fundings.
Additional document:
One business license document of father's company proving his established business in Mumbai.( I still don't know why I submitted it. Hehehe..

After being given a second chance for admit, I know how important was this last crucial step of Visa for me. Call it destiny, but even with not so loaded bunch of documents and docs which don't completely satisfy the ‘strongly recommended' criteria, I am through! I too come in those cases where my previous studies is not related to the course I applied for.
This post IS NOT to guide you but to just share my experience which could be similar to many cases here! This FORUM is doing a great job to help people and I am cent percent sure that even a consultant will not be able to provide the kind of information you get here.
I joined this forum after I applied, wish I did this before! I still thank you all for answering my questions to calm my anxiety.

Would be now more than willing to help after all this experience. Good luck to all of you.! Would like to give a word of advice that PATIENCE IS THE KEY! If you are a genuine student with no fake documents, no one can stop you from pursuing your dreams!
(I am flying to Calgary on 28 August with Lufthansa: BOM->FRA->MONTREAL->CALGARY. It is a pre-visa booked ticket)