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American Wife on verge of Homelessness, what are the options?


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Feb 2, 2013
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If you are in Quebec, you will need to follow the Quebec specific application procedure, rather than the generic. They are slightly different. http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/sponsors-sponsored/requirements-sponsor/index.html


Aug 18, 2014
zardoz said:
If you are in Quebec, you will need to follow the Quebec specific application procedure, rather than the generic. They are slightly different.
Oh, Ok...but do I have to do that sponsorship application PLUS the "generic" sponsorship application, or just the Quebec one? And is there a different application for the immigration part as well? Quebec was not a country last time I checked, so what the heck?


Aug 18, 2014
Ah, nevermind, that link you gave tells me that I have to do paperwork for both quebec and canada, alright. Thanks for pointing it out.


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Jun 13, 2008
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ghoner said:
Ah, nevermind, that link you gave tells me that I have to do paperwork for both quebec and canada, alright. Thanks for pointing it out.
No, Quebec is not a country (yet) but sometimes they seem to think they are ;)

Here are the instructions for sponsors in Quebec, taken from: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3900ETOC.asp

Sponsors living in Quebec

The province of Quebec is responsible for determining whether sponsors living in the province have the financial ability to sponsor family members and the length of the undertaking.

Sponsors living in Quebec or currently outside Canada but who intend to reside in Quebec upon their return must only complete the Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344), the Sponsor Questionnaire (IMM 5540) and provide the required documents. Sponsored persons who intend to reside with their sponsor in Quebec are not required to sign the IMM 1344.

If the federal eligibility requirements are met, the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) will send the sponsor a letter with instructions to download MIDI’s undertaking kit, then to complete and submit it to the MIDI with a copy of the letter from CPC-M.

For more information on Quebec’s requirements, you may call MIDI’s general information line at 514-864-9191 or 1-877-864-9191 or consult their website.
So you do not have to worry about applying to Quebec beforehand. You just apply to Mississauga and they will send you further instructions.

You can find the outland forms here: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/fc.asp You need parts 1, 2 and 3 all completed and send all to Mississauga in one package.


Aug 18, 2014
Ok thanks for that. We're working on getting the FBI background check done right now.

Now I've read somewhere on the official immigration website (can't tell where exactly anymore) That they were only processing 5000 application at a given time, on the base of first arrived first served, and that if you applied too late you had to wait until they take applications again.

Is it true, or another outdated info? And is there any kind of way to know if they're still taking in application or not? I don't want to get through all this only to have my applications returned to me because they don't feel like working at that moment.


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Jun 8, 2010
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ghoner said:
Ok thanks for that. We're working on getting the FBI background check done right now.

Now I've read somewhere on the official immigration website (can't tell where exactly anymore) That they were only processing 5000 application at a given time, on the base of first arrived first served, and that if you applied too late you had to wait until they take applications again.

Is it true, or another outdated info? And is there any kind of way to know if they're still taking in application or not? I don't want to get through all this only to have my applications returned to me because they don't feel like working at that moment.
Doesn't apply to spouses. Only parent / grandparent applications.


Aug 18, 2014
Ah ok, thanks.

I got another question (sorry about that, hopefully I'll run out of those eventually :/)

Me and my wife are officially married and everything, and I know they'll want proof that we are a couple and I'm not just sneaking an american in. I figured I would print a copy of our mariage certificate and send it, that should be a good proof. Do I really need to print emails and chat logs and photos as well? I mean technically this certificate is approved by the justice department, they'll be able to verify it's genuine and all, don't they?


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Jun 8, 2010
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ghoner said:
Ah ok, thanks.

I got another question (sorry about that, hopefully I'll run out of those eventually :/)

Me and my wife are officially married and everything, and I know they'll want proof that we are a couple and I'm not just sneaking an american in. I figured I would print a copy of our mariage certificate and send it, that should be a good proof. Do I really need to print emails and chat logs and photos as well? I mean technically this certificate is approved by the justice department, they'll be able to verify it's genuine and all, don't they?
You need to sent a lot more than just your marriage certificate. Yes - it's an official document. But people do sometimes enter marriages of convenience just to get immigration status in Canada. The person who will be handling your immigration file doesn't know you. YOU need to convince them your relationship is genuine. So no - a marriage certificate is nowhere near enough (just sending that will get you a refusal). Yes - you'll need to send photos as well, emails and chat logs would be good too. Also any documents showing that you have joined your lives (joint bank accounts, wills, utility bills, property ownership documents). Proof of travel to visit each other (if there have been any flights), also any additional evidence from your wedding would be good (bills, guest list, invitations). As instructed in the immigration forms themselves, you'll also need to do a write up of your relationship.


Aug 18, 2014
scylla said:
You need to sent a lot more than just your marriage certificate. Yes - it's an official document. But people do sometimes enter marriages of convenience just to get immigration status in Canada. The person who will be handling your immigration file doesn't know you. YOU need to convince them your relationship is genuine. So no - a marriage certificate is nowhere near enough (just sending that will get you a refusal). Yes - you'll need to send photos as well, emails and chat logs would be good too. Also any documents showing that you have joined your lives (joint bank accounts, wills, utility bills, property ownership documents). Proof of travel to visit each other (if there have been any flights), also any additional evidence from your wedding would be good (bills, guest list, invitations). As instructed in the immigration forms themselves, you'll also need to do a write up of your relationship.
Documents that prove we joined our lives? That's what we're frikking trying to do right now lol! I'm wouldn't buy a house if I can't be sure she can even live in it! Plus I pay ALL bills, so her name is not on any of that... Anyway we have plenty of photo and chat logs and emails, and well, I send her lot of money through paypal, would that help as proof? Not sure how I would print that kind of stuff, though. I'm not sure we kept flight tickets or any receipt, but her passport have stamps that prove she came to canada several time, several months at a time...I guess the proof that I bought her a car this summer could help too, right? Evidence for the wedding should be easy. Would any person's testimony that our relationship is real help? Also, what do you mean by write up? Like our life's story? How we met, when she visited me for the first time, etc?


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Jun 8, 2010
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ghoner said:
Documents that prove we joined our lives? That's what we're frikking trying to do right now lol! I'm wouldn't buy a house if I can't be sure she can even live in it! Plus I pay ALL bills, so her name is not on any of that... Anyway we have plenty of photo and chat logs and emails, and well, I send her lot of money through paypal, would that help as proof? Not sure how I would print that kind of stuff, though. I'm not sure we kept flight tickets or any receipt, but her passport have stamps that prove she came to canada several time, several months at a time...I guess the proof that I bought her a car this summer could help too, right? Evidence for the wedding should be easy. Would any person's testimony that our relationship is real help? Also, what do you mean by write up? Like our life's story? How we met, when she visited me for the first time, etc?
You don't have to include everything I listed - those were just suggestions. But you should certainly include what you have. Yes - all of the things you have listed are good ideas. Although I would say that the relationship testimonies probably aren't necessary.

Yes - you will need to write up your relationship. Have you read through the forms in detail? There is a section where this information is requested.


Aug 18, 2014
scylla said:
You don't have to include everything I listed - those were just suggestions. But you should certainly include what you have. Yes - all of the things you have listed are good ideas. Although I would say that the relationship testimonies probably aren't necessary.

Yes - you will need to write up your relationship. Have you read through the forms in detail? There is a section where this information is requested.
I knew we would have to write about us, I just wasn't sure what you meant by "do a write up". English is not my first language.

I haven't really checked the forms. Just read the general checklist. We're still months away before we can even start, still gathering money to pay for everything and begin to ship her stuff via fedex or UPS. It's not lazyness as much as busy-ness, and the fact that you people have been so much more helpful and Straight-to-the-point CLEAR, so much clearer, than any forms or website I sifted through these last years. For a while, me and the lady even considered hiring someone to help us out in this. But finally I think it can just work out fine. Once the background check is done, along with the medical check, then I'll feel I'll be ready to really jump in that mess and get those paper done. Can't you tell I hate forms? =P I pay a guy to do my taxes LOL.