Will this amendment reduce the processing time? I think if applicants are available to qualify then backlog will increase automatically. Increasing qualifying marks can reduce the application and processing time.
What is your idea?
I think it will reduce the processing time.
The lesser the number selected, the faster the processing for those who are selected.
The amendment will probably not increase qualifying marks - it will simply drop certain applications.
In my opinion, applicants who skills are not in relative shortage in the Canadian labor market will be dropped.
For example, an accountancy is a skill that these days can be more or less automated *relatively* more than computer
programming, so there is not as much shortage. Likewise if a guy who is skilled in Sales from India applies and there is
another guy who is skilled in computer programming applies, CIC would likely drop the Sales guy's application: because
Canadians' sales skills are more available than programming and computer programming is more portable across cultures than Sales skills. I am only giving an example.
So if you have a skill where demand>>supply, or if you are recognized in your field or if you have a solid network of verifiable, *well placed* references, preferably North American or European, you may have a better chance.