tony000 said:
Bro.. I ordered notes to see if I have passed the interview but it did not work

I do not know what to do now and how to find if I have Pass Interview
HEY WANTED TO POST AN ANSWER FROM Eagle that is an answer that i ask him to help you,
Dear Eagle, this is a question of TONY000 FROM OTHER THREAT, CAN YOU HELP HIME PLEASE
Guys I have Rec GCMS Notes after more than 60 days of my Interview (March, 09, 2016).. I also Ordered Notes back in Jan 2016 Before My Interview as well , In both notes I found alot of Difference ...
Notes Before Interview ;
Eligibilty : In Progress
Securtiy :
Criminality : Pass
Organised Crime :
Medical : Passed (Expired)
The Notes I Ordered after interview to See if I have Passed interview or not . I found thr is NO ANY ASSESSMENTS , i could not find anything on Notes about if I have passed interview , In notes I did not find a single thing about my Interview, I found
Application Assignment
Assigned to : EM0094
Assigned by : RO0316
Due date : 2016/03/18
that means some body work on my file on 03/18/2016 after my interview ... My question if some body work on file after interview and before I ordered Note , why Notes does not tell anything about My interview ? All I know is Some body look into file and now it is undergoing background checks since last 2 months .
Pls share you thoughts
My dears expectin/Tony000,
After reviewing your post I came to these conclusions:
1. Based on my experience on GCMS notes from many people, when a decision has not been rendered on whether Eligibility should PASS or Fail after interview you will not be able to see Eligibility assessment part on your GCMS. I have 5 GCMS of different people who had interview and CIC hid the eligibility assessment part as well as the NOTE section where an officer should write notes about how the interview was. You will only see these things when a decision has been made. What's happening with Tony000 right now is your file was put at the end of the interview review queue to be reviewed for a decision. This officer did not even put a bring forward date on your file to speed up the process that is why your bring forward date was not even updated at the time you requested your GCMS which is clear that no one is working on your file. That classify your file has a NON ROUTINE because they are not in rush to complete it.
2. I will preach this for the 4th time now, when we request our GCMS notes they usually come with 30 days delay which means everything we see on these notes are not fresh information but old for 30 days. A lot might have happened in your file after the day it was request and put back on its location. No one should panic and feel like it is over for them, maybe your eligibility assessment part was accessible the following day your file was put back on its location and you will never know until you request another set. Here is the way you can order your notes in your situation Tony000, you should request one set of GCMS on JUNE 1ST and another one JUNE 30TH to check what really happened in your file for the month of June.
3. Do not ever make sweeping statement like I see many people doing it, that if my background check is underway it means my eligibility is Passed. When we use the word government it sounds exactly one block but in that block are many departments which work independently from each other. The department (CSIS) that deals with your SECURITY and CRIMINALITY have their own ways, rules and regulations that CIC does not have. If CIC tells you that your BGC is underway that does not mean it is CIC who is working on it.
4. CSIS is responsible to process and decide on your SECURITY & CRIMINALITY, then sends the results to CIC
RMO is responsible to process and decide on your MEDICAL, then sends the results to CIC
CIC is responsible to process and decide on your ELIGIBILITY, then compiled other results from other offices. CIC work also as a compilation centre after all the results come to them then they make their file decision to issue the visa or deny it.