Here what happened:
- Applied for IN CANADA spousal sponcership, send papers away ~ July 2013
- ~Oct 2014 or so received emails to my wife she needed to send MEDICAL AND CRIMINAL checks (She didnt see the criminal, never got an email myself, never got a letter)
- March 31, 2015, received notice that PR DENIED because no CRIMINAL RECORD sent. We did the medical. Called CIC that day, to say we didnt see the email and we had nothing else sent to us, they said I wasnt even on file to access the info, though I am supposed to be a representative (we send that doc). They explained I/we had to appeal and SEND THE LETTER TO THE IMMIGRATION CENTER to the officer to reopen case. (Found out yesterday this was completely wrong).
- Sent Letter May 15, 2015 to Officer xx, Mississauga. Heard nothing back, they dont care.
- Called CIC yesterday, explained. they said call IRB, IRB said they dont normally deal with family class sponcership but try anyway told me to do this.
1. Send the appeal to IRB
2. Explain why its late
3. Send CIC letter I (my wife got)
4. Explain why reopen the case
Anyway, did anyone have something similar? Read a few posts here but they were done outside the country. I know with incanada sponsorship, they say no appeal (but is this really the case), but man, why didnt they send a letter or call? Miss an email and its like 3 years time and money wasted on a silly immigration system!