Your welcome.Yes, I thought it was good information also and wanted to share with everybody. It was a case manager and nope no information on my case. She said they are behind a bit but we are faster here in Vancouver than anywhere else. I thought we were slower at these times lol but not.Opps! I owe a thousand bows lol. She mentioned Edmonton was slow, baclogged a bit at the moment, and that they are trying very hard to get it back on track to keep everybody moving along. It is not an easy task she said to coordinate everybody for hearing dates for all of Western Canada but the schedual people do quite well overall considering.She said for no amount of money could she do their job. Anyways as soon as I hear something, I will update. I did go to an Immigration Appeal Hearing this morning. It was interesting to say the least. I was there for over 3 hours. I had to get to my car as my parking time was up and I had to get home to take the dog out. I live quite a ways from there. There were a gazillion questions about many topics of their relationship. The man had an interpeter.He did well over all. I would like to know if his appeal was sucessful or not. Not sure if I can find out? I will go again to another appeal when I can. I have always liked law, courts. I probably should have been a lawyer lol. Who knows maybe if I ever win the lottery I can afford to go to school. 8)

I .know I really would enjoy it.