Here is my timeline
Rejection letter: August 2012
Full Hearing

ec 2013
Medical,PCC & Forms request : February 2014
Documents Sent : March 2014
Decision Made : June 2014
I got full hearing and it last for an hour or so. They just asked how we met, what we do all day, what do we talk, why you got married in different country and kind of some basic questions. how much time u spend talking with each other. At last i will say it depends on case to case.
We had 3 suitcases of evidence and our judge just brought one and before even the hearing started the judge said this is just ridiculous, bc we had so much evidence and she said how can u say its not genuine. They just interviewed my sponsor and they never called me bc they were satisfied.
Congratulations Ankit, finally your wait is over!!!!! Wish you and your spouse a very happy life