any news friends.................. done medical yesterday 4 oct......
procedures was very simple.....
1. blood taken - for VDRL, HIV-1 AND 11
2. URINE ROUTINE-- on a small plastic cntainer it was most probably for sugar
3. chest X-ray-- PA view ( for proper functioning of the lungs )
4.EYE TEST ( VISION TEST)--- asked to read alphabets covering one eye , which was kept around 15 fts from u
5. height and weight .
everything went well till BP........... it shot up to 140/90 despite of me trying to calm myself , damn asked for ECG and CREATINNE ( charges extra-- Rs 260)
luckily both the tests are normal , infact doctor confirmed me just now that everything is nrmal..............
towards the end while filling the form doctor asked me if i have had any medical history ,like fits, jaundice , joint pain, depression, and any family hsitory of cancer etc.... also habits like smoking , drinking , if so hw frequently ............ thats all
everything was over by 3 and half hours...... doctor confirmed that he will send reports by tomrw , so passport i will send by next week..
friends again waiting period started

...................... i hpe chc doctors also find the reports normal..........