Hi fellow Bengali's,
My situation is quite complicated so I will try to explain the best I can. I am a Bengali living in Saudi Arabia, back in Sept 2009 I went to UK to study electronic engineering at the University of Birmingham, but after two years I dropped out but received a Certificate of Higher Education for completing my first year. After that I returned to Saudi Arabia on January 2012, where I have been working as a concrete quality control junior engineer at the KAIA project for more than a year now. I have applied to Canada to, Uni of Alberta, MUN and Uni of New Brunswick. I have received letters of acceptance from UNB and MUN, still waiting for Alberta. My dilemma lies here, in all these three Uni's I have applied for Civil Engineering but have put my second priority as BSc, as it is easy to transfer from that to BEng after completing first year. Now UNB has accepted me into BEng Civil, but MUN has accepted me into BSc and rejected me from their Civil.
I would like to go to MUN, due to the affordability and it is a very comprehensive in the courses that it offers. Now I would like some advise, My offer letter from MUN states that I have been accepted into BSc but I have to wait for a reply regarding admissions into Civil Eng. After a while I received a reply from the Engineering Department where they rejected me, hence I was wondering will this cause any problems when I apply for visa? I mean if the visa officer sees that I have been rejected from my requested program but I am still going for BSc?
Thank you for reading this lengthy post and any help on this.