If it's the fact for your application rejection than of course you can apply to different noc which your job duties matches. Not only that you can apply multiple noc seperayely. Make sure your job responsibilities matches this timeovey said:HI,
hope u all r well.
I had applied for federal skilled worker program this year under NOC code-2133. but unfortunately they rejected my application due to mismatch between job duty provided by them in circular and mine submitted to them (job responsibility and appointment letter provided my company at time of joining). since i have rejected in this category now i wanted to apply under different category under different NOC code. is it possible now with same old documents? in addition i want to add that i have checked all my documents and found they are all being punched by punch machine which includes my and my spouses IELTS score sheet (except bank draft). is this will be a problem? can i resend the same punched document? because its not possible to collect all this document in short time.
Please reply and suggest me what can I do now. Thanks in advance.
My wonder is why on earth they punched your documents??