Very much liked the positive spirits like swapno, nivrit, casayed bhai. (Jite raho munna bhai......)
Others with pessimist mentality and negative attitude, can form their own blog. We can have 1000 posts criticising/ complining this and that, but all we need is, few lines with this.....s much hope and positive attitude. Probably these positive and sucsess stories are all, we look for in these posts. We all are giving away all our Dhaka career, success, friends, families everything for this, so........ :'(
We all are here to help each other to make the fight easier, crazy negative posts (tough it's sadly true for few of us) might not be the case for everyone. We hope to keep in touch insallah, and time will tell where we young fighters (or should I say mid aged fighters

)belong to.
Cheers and very best of luck to all of us............ ;D