mute_man said:
♫ .. ♪ o Hasib vai, geso ki-na
vuila amare....♪ ♫
ami e-hoooon,, in-process tooo asi.....♫....♪

Mute man,
Thanks for having your faith on my prediction/analysis.
Before answering your question, at first i want to point out which post june applicants are getting MR right now. As far as I know, SGVO is currently issuing MR to December 2010 applicants. However, a Dentist friend of mine, who applied in Feb 2011 got his visa in Aug 2011, and a Doctor friend of mine (Forum member: pulok vi) applied in Aug2010 is still waiting for MR. Therefore, few applicants might need to wait for short period whereas few applicants might need to wait for long period.
When you/Jan 2011 applicants can expect MR:
Even a month ago, I had no idea about this, but now I believe I can predict about this as well. 2 friends of mine ordered for CAIPS and I discovered a very important info from their CAIPS report.
There is a relation between PER date and MR. the deadline of Receiving MR is just 1 year ahead from the date your PER was issued.
This rule is solely for post june applicants since pre june applicants don't get PER. Moreover, CIC is committed to finalize post june applicants processing within 12 months (might take 15 months for few applicants as per my understanding)
You applied in Jan 2011, got PER in March 2011 so you deadline of receiving MR is March 2012. Good news is case officers usually issue MR 2-3 months before the deadline. So, as per my prediction, you will get your
MR in Nov 2011/Dec 2011.
Good luck.