Is there any limitation from the Govt. of BD to courier passport? Is there anyone can find out this info after the eid as I don't live in BD. Otherwise, I would find out. If there is no problem from the Govt. of BD, all applicants should use courier such as FedEx or DHL to send their passport. If you lose your passport, that doesn't mean you lose your permanent residency in Canada. I know you guys are worried too much if the passports are lost what would be happened. Don't worry. Did you lose your MR and PPR? No, why would your passport be lost then?
VFS provides Canadian visa services only for 9 countries (BANGLADESH, MONGOLIA, CHINA, NEPAL, INDIA, NIGERIA, INDONESIA, UGANDA
and KENYA) ( Every year millions of people apply for Canadian Visas and most of them use courier to send their passport. We should protest this type of insanity/ripoff by VFS. If applicant starts to use courier to send their passports, VFS would definitely reduce their fees. It is very hard to earn money anywhere in the world. It's not only about the money but also about the customer service.