uration: Three month (including 6 weeks unpaid job placement). this will act as your Canadian work experience.
At COSTI: free cost . applicable for Internationally trained professional (CLB: 6-8). CLB is a language test just like IELTS but very simple.
offer for PR, or landed newcomer or refuge. (not for Canadian citizen because this program is Govt. funded to assist newcomer to get job).
program category:
1. Office Administration/Customer Service- at Brampton COSTI, they are also proving child care(1.5 - 6 year old) which is also free. they called it as child minding where children are learning English faster than their parents.
2. Accounting and Finance. this program is very much helpful for those who are in Banking or Accounting. most of the cases they get job quickly but networking must to grab the hidden job market.
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