The procedure is get your money go to bank and officially buy 2000 usd on endorsement of your passport. The rest amount you can take is upto 5000 usd cash, which you can buy from any money exchange. And that's it. (More than that, you get caught and they sue you for money laundering, at the airport, and u become famous like Tareq Zia, with pictures in the daily news paper).
So, student file is the only way for long time study plan, ;D......Nivrit n KFH are right.....that's the only way,
Yes, and you can also have the student file from Sonali bank corporate branch, Dilkusha. I did mine from there almost 7 years back, for my 3 years phD program at UK. They issue the permission of the total money required for a year (tuition and living) as the Bangladesh bank law is 2000 usd/ year. If you have this permission (student file) you can even deposit the money directly to your Canada account with a nominal fees from Bangladesh anytime and u also save on the buying rate. Make sure you have the permission for the whole period of your study. You can buy cash from bank, take DD, or TC any format. the rest you can explore from th dedicated branches.
one more thing, BRAC bank does the student file for undergrad studies only, no masters n PhD. They does it at Attaturk ave, banani. I think this is all regarding dollar help, Cheers and maley Bari.
Oh!!!! one last thing, we sometimes forget to greet the forum, It feels good to others, who take effort to write few lines for our shake, right? Cheers........ ;D