Dear Brother Jahangir,
I agree with you to some points but also disagree to some great extent. Yes, I know few people who were regular in the forum but later when they got their VISA they never bother to update status here. I don't want to mention name but I know few person who were in touch with me always till their PPR but suddenly the started ignoring my calls after they get VISA. I don't know why?
Personally I have received many support from different people from this forum. Few names are worth mentioning -
HOQUEBD (this guy called me from New York to help me filled my IMM5669 even though he doesn't know me) KUDOS to you HOQUEBD.
DIBAKAR - we did Medical on the same day but still never seen his face but he is always praying for my well being and giving me call as and when - why cause he got his PPR on beginning of October and I got it on 3rd week of November.
ANWAR405z - Always updating me his status and sharing his emotions...wishing best for me always through SMS and Voice...
BADOL786 - This gentleman seems to be quiet harsh on me when I called him and he pointed out one of my negligence and help me to move ahead but even though he tried to help me to sort my problems...
Now how can you say people are not talking and help? It's free & public forum if anyone gets benefit out of it and move in life - please let him do so...your greatness will never be mean by some others ignorance or negligence...I personally feel happy to help someone without expecting any in gives me a good feeling...
Now ruparupa, colors or others who are still waiting for MR I know no words will make your mind at peace as we also have gone through the same phase (it never gives me any peace of mind untill I got PPR after 4 1/2 month of doing Medical where as most of the members got VISA even after doing medical 1 month after me)...but when the moment of goal arrives you'll start feeling should it be good to move there or not...believe me all of the members in this forum are highly educated and doing the best job in the country and that's why they are worth eligible for of now you haven't got rejected by SGVO so I think Insallah you guys will move to next phase and definitely would get MR, PPR & VISA. If you were not in their list you already have known it by now. So Don't worry.
Please accept my apology if I hurt anyone's feeling.
I am ending with a short story -
One guy stayed back in Canada for 3 years for grad. After grad he applied for PR and came back home, but instead of approval he got rejected as Visa Officer was not convinced with his claimed requirements. He applied again and got approved now.
The same guy appear for US visa 2 times but got rejected both times. Later he got visa for the first time but denied entry to US through Border. But after several try he succeed to enter US. Later he went to US 10-12 times even last year also.
This Guy is none but MYSELF.
I have been rejected many times but I never gave up. So I know how it feels. Stick to something like a Glue...I'm sure success will be yours...
Best of Luck to all and please pray for me so that I get my PP back with VISA Soon...