Ya you can consider your part time experience but you have to meet minimum requirement of hours that required to consider your experience as full time.Marooned said:Hi everyone,
Does the part-time work experience during the education calculate in EE?
it was calculated in FSW but I'm not sure about EE
Help please...
No, I dont think socanada2319 said:Hi to all,
Will we need to show proof of funds for express entry?
Applicant need to fulfill fund requirement if applicant don,t have any approved job offer.tiffany123 said:No, I dont think so
Proof of funds is still a requirement under FSW category.tiffany123 said:No, I dont think so
you can use any of previous application documents if their validity is not expired yet.lonely bird said:can we use the same documents for Express Entry we used for applying FSW ?
I have IELTS, ECA Report, Job references, Police checks, funds.... what is next now?
NoRafiq689 said:Hi,
Do I need to face any professional interview for getting invitation to apply (ITA) after get in EE.
You can apply for the additional sheet from IDP based n proof that you are applying for immigration.HandMeDown said:Hello all.
CIC has my IELTS!
Does anyone know how long CIC will take sending back a FSW application now that the cap has been reached?
My concern is they only give you one copy of your IELTS cert and mine went off with my FSW application in Sept.
Does anyone know how to order a second certificate from IELTS?