Hi @legalfalcon ,
Message posted here as asked in your previous message. Thanks for your first partial response!
In the record of changes of my eligibility status, it's written these value changes from Not started, Calculate, Calculation in Progress, Review Required , Met and after all that to "Not started" again. All these updates happened within 24 hours and happened on the same day my case was moved to the LVO.
In the "Program Assistant" notes there's nothing which may raise a flag. R10 , Funds, Current Ranking System higher than the minimum score, NOC, IELTS, Years of Experience, Education, Police Certificate and Medical are all either MET or VERIFIED.
In the Notes of "AGENT REVIEW" there's also nothing which may raise a flag as well. R11.2, 75(2), 76(1)(a), Current Ranking System higher than the minimum score, Education equivalency, Work Experience are all either Appears MET or MET.
The case assignment has a due date of 2017/09/16.
My questions:
1 - Is it a concern to have my case moved back to "Not Started"? Has this situation ever happened?
This does not always happen, but it normal when the officer might want a substituted review or may have not changed the status, or inadvertently changed it back to not started.
2 - Is the "Agent" the same as the "Officer" or it may only be a higher level of assistant before the Officer?
The Agent Review is the officer review and they are the same. There are obviously higher ranking officials, but in an average application the agent review is the final word.
3 - Is the due date worth paying attention to?
The due date is a system generated date and does not have much relevance. Most application s are processed way before it and some keep lingering way after that.
Thanks a million once again for all your support,
Hi @legalfalcon
I have just got my GCMS notes: I have something important in the notes section:
Here is the status :
Medicals : Passed
Criminality : Passed
Eligibility : Recommend Passed
Security : Not Started
The notes that was generated on 1st of June, 2017 : The program assistant who reviewed my application mentioned everything about my application, mentioned that I have everything on file and verified employment and everything, but he says Canadian education : School found, but unable to recognize the level of education ; officer: please review the document # xxx .
and another notes was generated by another person(case analyst) on 7th of June, 2017 ( 6 days after the 1st notes ) : He mentioned "Recommend Passed" amd mentioned everything appears met. Experience, medicals, criminality, ECA, language and also mentioned document # xxx NOTE: POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA on 2014/04/5 ( this is my level of education ) from xxx school .. I'm interpreting that after a week, another person verified and mentioned my level of education which was asked by the first person to review. and after mentioning my level of education and school name. he mentioned Recommend passed in the status.
Does this mean, it was verified? Do I have to worry about the 1st notes, or since the 2nd notes by another person says RECOMMEND PASSED should i take into account.. I'm worried..
If the subsequent notes clarifies the issue, no need to worry.
Can you please throw some light on this?
btw I have provided everything including my transcripts, cmm and degree. I have not missed on anything.
And I have read one of your posts .. I see S16(1) (c) on the right hand corner of NOTES 1 page.. does this mean security has already started and that is causing delay ?
Only when, the eligibility status is blank and you have s16 on the top right corner.
This is pretty normal. To read more on s15/16 see https://www.getgcms.com/blog/s15-s16-top-right-gcms-denote/My recent GCMS notes show at the end under the notes section 2 x notes after eligibility, criminality and medicals were passed. One of the notes is retracted under s16(1)(c) with the label "General" and the other one was retracted under s15(1) with "Adm/? (retracted)" under the label section.
After these notes, no communication or status changes since 31 January 2017.
Can someone tell me if they are experiencing the same situation? Is this normal? Should I be worried? I am so stressed!!!
Hey Legalfalcon.. i desperately need adviceAssignment is simple where the application is going and to which officer/department. It has no bearing. Instead see what stage your application is reach and passed. The application will be assigned to many officers and departments as it progresses.
For stages see https://www.getgcms.com/blog/express-entry-application-processed/
You should raise a CSE and clarify this issue. GCMS is your right under the access to information act, and you are entitled to order it of you are a permanent resident, citizen or legally present in Canada. No need to worry about that. Bur do make sure to clarify the self employed issue.Hey Legalfalcon.. i desperately need advice
I just read through my GCMS notes and there is conflicting information. It has different Language results in one section, then in another its the correct results (twice). I have sent my IELTs cert to them... if i had put in the points that is on the notes in one section i would have had 475 points, however i got ita of 427 as per my correct ielts results
Also, in one section it says i started in my job in Oct when infact i started in July, it does show in one section that i started July. MY REF letter shows July.. none of this will effect my points though, im still well in the 3 years iam claiming
Ive also accidentally clicked 'self employed' under job section when im clearly not...HELP
Im so confused. Can ANYONE shed some light pls??? Should i raise a CSE witn LOE? Is it ok they know i have GCMS even tho im not in CA??
A ghost update is progress in your application or some movement, which is always a good news. Not all employment verifications are done. If they do decide to do, it you should not be concerned if everything is in order.Thanks @legalfalcon
Yes, I see eligibility as recommended pass now. This was updated on 7th of june,2017 ( s16.1 was there ) and later on 23rd of august, the officer whom was assigned my case to, updated something but retracted the text section in the notes. and in that page as well I see s16.1.. That day I got ghost update on my account. but my account background sits on N/A for the last 3 months.. I am May 04th CEC inland.
does it mean, some sort of checks going on ?? I have called my employers, they did not get any calls plus the notes says RCMP initiated criminality passed.. I see in the forums here that s16 means employment and criminality checks right ? those were done long back, but they retracted the information posted on 23rd of augustow , i dont know why .. that's what making me worry ..
Thanks for your reply, Legalfalcon. Appreciate your input as always. Have sent you a PM yesterday. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks again!This is pretty normal. To read more on s15/16 see https://www.getgcms.com/blog/s15-s16-top-right-gcms-denote/
Ok. However im in Syd and not in CA. And not Perm Resident yet... not sure how to approach thisYou should raise a CSE and clarify this issue. GCMS is your right under the access to information act, and you are entitled to order it of you are a permanent resident, citizen or legally present in Canada. No need to worry about that. Bur do make sure to clarify the self employed issue.
Everything is in order. im worried looking at the current trends, moreover that 16c thing stressed me out more than anything else .. I hope everything goes smooth and quick .. thank you so much legal falconA ghost update is progress in your application or some movement, which is always a good news. Not all employment verifications are done. If they do decide to do, it you should not be concerned if everything is in order.
Did you order your notes from ATIP website?Ok. However im in Syd and not in CA. And not Perm Resident yet... not sure how to approach this
Through GETGCMS.com - ordered more notes today. I raisd a CSE but didnt mention GCMS notesDid you order your notes from ATIP website?
No need to worry. GCMS is your right and you obtained them through a person who is legally entitled to receive them on your behalf. No one will question how and where you got them. Access to Information Act gives all people a right to obtain a copy of their information with the federal government. You have done nothing wrong.Through GETGCMS.com - ordered more notes today. I raisd a CSE but didnt mention GCMS notes