Thanks,but i have seen some cases where the info for the dependants are hidden,do you know whats the reason?Only DOB for them.
Thanks,but i have seen some cases where the info for the dependants are hidden,do you know whats the reason?Only DOB for them.
Include consent form for spouse.Thanks,but i have seen some cases where the info for the dependants are hidden,do you know whats the reason? do i do that???
What do you mean by apply myself?
This is the consent form. Depending on if your re applying yourself, you won't need this. If you are applying through you will get all the instructions.
I you are a Canadian Permanent Resident or a Citizen, you can apply for GCMS directly.What do you mean by apply myself?
Oh ok am not,so i should just follow instructions correct?are there fast gcms sites compared to others or All are the same?I you are a Canadian Permanent Resident or a Citizen, you can apply for GCMS directly.
Its a personal preference, which you want to select. I founded to provide most reliable, secure, and efficient services. You can give it a try if you would like.Oh ok am not,so i should just follow instructions correct?are there fast gcms sites compared to others or All are the same?
Thanks a lotIts a personal preference, which you want to select. I founded to provide most reliable, secure, and efficient services. You can give it a try if you would like.
got my GCMS notes today, pretty fast, wasnt expecting them so early. You should have received the notes 3-4 days earlier, but the Canada day holiday delayed it by a few days.
Could you please help me understand several notes:
1. I ordered GCMS on June 2, received on July 5, but I cannot get the exact date when the notes were generated
See the bottom of any page, that has the date on which they were generated.
2. Dependent`s NOC written in GCMS is different from what I mentioned when applying... Do you think we need to raise CSE? we do not claim any points for his work experience though.
If you see any discrepancy, you should raise a CSE and clarify. It won't hurt, but will help to resolve any complications.
3. It is written that Primary office:CIO and Secondary office: CPC-Ottawa. Does it mean that after CIO my case will go to CPC Ottawa not LVO?
All files go to CIO (Central Intake Office) and then to CPC (Case processing centre). At CIO your R10 is done and the IELTS and WES are verified. At CPC the preliminary A11.2 is done and then for the completion it is sent to LVO, where the A11.2 is completed, if verifications are needed, they are done and BGC is done.
4. when do you think it is better to order next set of GCMS notes if my medicals and criminality are passed, while eligibility not started yet.
See when your notes were generated. If they were generated when you applied, then you can apply for a new set, as almost 30 days have passed and there should be some progress. It is a personal choice, what you want to do.
would appreciate your thoughts greatly
It is different for different programs. Sydney is the intake office only for PNP as per IRCC. have a question in regards to no 3 please,does the application go to sydney then ottawa then lvo or sydney then ottawa or lvo?? Thanks