Interview Preparation and Tips
Most independent immigrant applicants are required to attend a selection interview with a Canadian Visa Officer. In the immigration interview, the opinion of the Visa Officer who interviews you is very important. Before the selection interview is over, the Visa Officer will let you know the results of your application and what to do next.
Remember this --- the Visa Officer possesses wide discretionary authority. If in his or her judgment, you would make an ideal candidate for entry to Canada, the Visa Officer may use this authority to admit you even if you would not otherwise qualify.
Likewise, if the Visa Officer feel that there are reasons that may prevent you from becoming successfully established in Canada, he or she can use the same authority to refuse your application.
Once the Visa Officer has determined that you are qualified for immigration to Canada, the selection interview becomes an opportunity for the Visa Officer to provide you with information concerning your upcoming relocation. This may include information about living and/or working conditions in the area where you intend to reside.
What is the purpose of the selection interview ?
There are 3 reasons why the selection interview is being made:
One, to verify the information presented in your application.
Two, to determine your personal suitability and that of your dependents.
Three, to advise you and your family of what to do next once you have been approved for entry to Canada.
The Visa Officer will determine the accuracy of all facts presented in your application. During the interview, your supporting documents may be examined, your language proficiency may be assessed, and you may be asked to elaborate on the information presented in your written immigration application.
The Visa Officer may also ask about your family, spouse and/or dependents or your health, financial situation or past problems with the law.
The Visa Officer may also want to evaluate your language proficiency and skills. The selection interview may be the only way that the Visa Officer can make an accurate determination of those skills.
The issue of personal suitability, seemingly vague in its terminology, does have some degree of foundation in the selection guidelines, which are used by Visa Officers.
There are several specific qualities and attributes, such as motivation and resourcefulness, which are sought in applicants, and these are assumed to reflect the individual's ability to successfully settle in Canada.
When is the selection interview held?
Depending on how many applications are before yours at the visa office, it might take as little as two months to get an interview, or it might take as long as 30 months
Where is the selection interview being made?
The Canadian Visa Office will send you a letter informing you of the place of the interview.
What is a security interview?
In a small percentage of applications, an interview is held to evaluate security issues such as espionage, subversion or terrorism. These interviews are usually held after a selection interview, and may also be held in cases where a selection interview is waived.
What is an interview waiver?
You may be granted an Interview Waiver (that means that you don't need to be interviewed and your next step is the medical examination). An Interview Waiver may be given depending on your qualifications, the quality of the supporting documentation, and the overall credibility of the applicant.
If there is a security issue involved with the applicant, an interview waiving is not possible.
When an interview waiver is granted, there is also a possibility that this waiver maybe revoked and that the applicant may be called for an interview. Or an applicant maybe initially be invited for an interview, then an interview waiver maybe given to the applicant. This all depends on the Visa Officer's processing your documents. The Visa Office does not give reasons for their decisions.
Is there anything I can do to obtain an interview waiver?
Applications, which are complete in every detail, increase the chances of an interview waiver. However, interview waivers are granted at the discretion of the Visa Officers. You cannot apply specifically for a waiver. Even if an interview is waived, you may still be called to an interview, generally for quality assurance purposes
In some instances, that waivers maybe granted to applicants employed by large multinational companies, wherein verification of the details of employment can be easily done. This is the sign that work experience or education in these respected companies or corporations is important, because that removes a large part of the doubt surrounding the applicant's language skills, and the credibility of documentation submitted.
Do my spouse and children need to come with me to the interview?
Children under the age of 18 years are not required to attend the interview. Both the principal applicant, his/her spouse and dependants over the age of 18 years should attend the interview together. This may not be possible all the time due to several reasons on your part. But you need to to make preparation for this since the the Visa Officer may insist on interviewing all adults included in the application.
Can my spouse and I have our interviews in two different locations?
This will depend on the instructions to be given by the Visa Officer. If the Visa Officer wants you and your spouse and older children (18 years of age, or older) to attend the interview, all of you need to be interviewed together at the same office, on the same day.
How long is the interview?
Depending on the Visa Officer and how you respond to the questions, the interview may last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. That is the reason why you should prepare for the interview since you only have such a short time to prove to the Visa Office that you are worthy to be become a Permanent Resident of Canada.
Do I have to be fluent in English or French during the interview?
English and French are the 2 official languages of Canada. The interview would be conducted in either French or English depending on your choice. If you are not fluent in English or French, we highly suggest that you take lessons and practice in communicating in either of these languages. This can make a real big difference in your interview.
What if I don't speak English or French, but I was called in for an interview?
You will be required to bring your own interpreter with you during your interview. The person you bring must be a professional interpreter and must be independent from you. Your interpreter cannot be your lawyer, immigration consultant or any other person you have retained to represent or advise you concerning this application and they may not be an employee of that person. If did bring a professional interpreter, and the Visa Officer determines that your language skill is not sufficient to carry out the interview, you will not be interviewed. Your interview will be rescheduled for a later date.
What are the documents I need to bring to the interview?
Your passport and all of your dependent's passports.
Original documents of your Proof of Funds like bank passbook, bank statements or Certification of Deposits with a currency conversion into Canadian dollars.
You do not have to obtain any original documents you have already submitted with your application form. Simply bring photocopies of the original documents you have provided. Depending on your situation, this will include your marriage certificate, divorce papers or death certificate of spouse, children's birth certificates, adoption papers.
Be sure you carry copies of your educational records like diploma, transcript of records, training certificates or professional certification.
Also bring any police clearances or any background security certificates
It might help a lot if you bring all the correspondence ( letters and notices ) that you had received from the Canadian Embassy.
What will I wear during the selection interview?
There is no dress code that is required. We highly suggest that you dressed appropriately and professionally as if you are going for a job interview. It is highly advisable (but not a requirement) that you wear a North America style of clothes since this would reflect your ability to ability to adapt to the life in Canada.
Clothing Tips and Samples for Ladies
1. Blouse and skirt with matching blazer. You can't go wrong with a black blazer .
2. Don't wear too much make-up .
3. Don't put too much jewelry, but there is nothing wrong with using your best collection.
4. Don't put too much perfume.
5. Be neat and clean in your overall appearance.
6. Wear comfortable shoes.
Clothing Tips and Samples for Men
1. Long sleeved shirt and a tie.
2. Wearing a coat is very acceptable.
3. Don't put too much cologne or perfume.
4. Be neat and clean in your overall appearance.
5. Wear comfortable shoes.
Again, the key is dressing up professionally. If you are not sure about this, ask the opinion of someone who works in an office like a bank. Look at their office uniforms to get an idea of how to dress up professionally.
Other Interview Tips
1. The Visa Officer will ask questions based on the information that you have provided in your application form. Before the interview, be sure you know everything that you have written in your application form.
2. Produce any document when it is asked by the Visa Officer.
3. Show any document that will support or evidenced your claim on a particular issue that you are discussing with the Visa Officer.
4. Be ready to answer questions on your job, professional or trade. Before going to the interview, be sure you fully know the title of the skill or profession under which your application has been submitted. Be ready to discuss your work experience in the particular field in which you have applied. Unless you are asked by the Visa Officer, don't talk about any other work experiences that is not related to the profession that you have indicated in your application form.
5. Learn as much as you can about Canada and its people. Research on the internet. Or ask your friends or family in Canada. You should become more familiar with the country where you wish to live.
Sample Interview Questions and Answers.
The Visa Officer may ask you these questions. The answer to these questions are specific to you and it is based on the information that you provided in your application form. Review your application form to be able to give more details.
Details of any of your subject in the degree course.
Duties or responsibilities in your present or previous jobs.
Details of your training relative to your job or profession.
Details of your licensing or registration of your profession
Details of family-related information that you provided in the application form
Details of your involvement in the military ( if applicable )
Details of your travels to other countries ( if any)
Details of your savings and other sources of income
Why do you want to go to Canada? In answering this question you should tell the Visa Officer that Canada has a high standard of living and was voted number 1 country to live by the United Nations during the last 5 years. The government and legal system are effective and honest. The educational and health facilities are excellent and one of the best in the world. If you are married, tell the Visa Officer that you wanted to raise a family in a country that is safe, where personal security is protected by the police and everybody is treated equally regardless of race, color or religion. Also review Chapter 20 for some important facts about Canada.
What part of Canada do you want to live and why ? Typically you wanted to live in a particular area because you know someone who lives in that place like a family relative or friends. Tell the Visa Officer if this is the case. If you don't know anybody, be sure you have done your research as to why to chose that province or city. In answering, tell the Visa Officer that you have done a research and give him the reasons why you were impressed with that area. You might want to check this website for more information on the different places in Canada where you might want to settle. Again, it is best the you know something about the province where you wanted to settle. Go to Chapter 20 to learn more about your province of choice.
What kind of job are you looking for in Canada ? Tell the Visa Officer the exact job title or occupation that you wrote in your application form. Before your actual interview, make every effort to start looking for a job ( see Chapter 12 for discussion on this). Take advantage of the power of the internet and email in corresponding with Canadian companies who might be looking for an employee with your skills and experience. Bring all copies of emails or letters receive from these Canadian companies.
What are the preparations you have made so far? Tell the Visa Officer that you have started doing research about Canada and its people. Or you have been reading a lot of Canadian newspapers online to find out more about the current political or economic situation or even the weather in the place where you wanted to settle. Again, you can impress the Visa Officer when you have taken the initiative to start looking a the current job market and the demand for the occupation that you intend to have in Canada.
How will you conduct yourself during the selection interview?
1. When the Visa Officer greets you with “Good morning” or “Good Afternoon” be sure to respond back with “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon” too. The best answer to “How are you?” or “How are you today?” is “I'm fine, thank you”.
2. It's hard not to be nervous during the interview. That's ok as long as you try to keep a clear mind and look confident all the time.
3. Always look at the Visa Officer straight into the eyes. No not look elsewhere.
4. Looking and sounding confident is different from being arrogant or boastful.
5. Give an honest, direct to the point answers to the questions. Don't make up stories that you can't prove.
6. Don't make any unnecessary actions like scratching your head, stamping your feet or any other annoying hand movements.
7. Don't ever, ever smoke during the interview.
8. Be sure to keep all your supporting documentation in an envelope or a folder. Be sure you know where to find the documents so that when the Visa Officer asks for it, you can quickly pull it out from your envelope or folder.
9. If you did not hear the question, there is nothing wrong with saying to the Visa Officer “I am sorry, I missed what you said, can you please repeat that again?”. This is acceptable especially if you say it with a smile.
10. If you did not understand the question, there is nothing wrong with saying to the Visa Officer “I am sorry, I think I missed your point. What do you mean by that?”. This is acceptable especially if you say it with a smile.
11. If the Visa Officer is asking the wife, she should answer it. The husband should not answer the questions for the wife.
12. After the interview, don't forget to thank the Visa Officer. Say something like “Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today. Good bye”
13. A firm hand shake before and after the interview is acceptable.