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After new FSW application received by CIC


Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Visa Office......
SGVO-PER received
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
can anyone tell me what will happend after your application received by CIC, will they communicate with you?
How will you know your uic number and track your application?



May 11, 2013
-> send your application
-> wait.....
->receive the mobile phone SMS for your application payment is charged on your credit card
->wait again...
->receive file No.
->wait always...
->notice for supplementary material
->receive the medical check-up notice
then you know...you're almost there...


Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Visa Office......
SGVO-PER received
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
thanks chendij...I saw you applied very early like in April, have you submited your education verification report as well? FedEx informed me that my application delivered alhamdulilah 2 days back. When will I get any notification from CIC? will I able to check my status or progress online now?


Champion Member
May 16, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
28.11.2013 by the grace of Allah SWT
chendj-1114 said:
-> send your application
-> wait.....
->receive the mobile phone SMS for your application payment is charged on your credit card
->wait again...
->receive file No.
->wait always...
->notice for supplementary material
->receive the medical check-up notice
then you know...you're almost there...
Excellent description, if you allow me for some correction......you are almost there only once you get the PP in your hand with the maple leaf endorsed :)


Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Visa Office......
SGVO-PER received
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
LOL, alright so any idea about the waiting time for each stage? and when, who and how will verify the documents? does it really required after you notaries everything?


Champion Member
May 16, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
28.11.2013 by the grace of Allah SWT
etha4u said:
LOL, alright so any idea about the waiting time for each stage? and when, who and how will verify the documents? does it really required after you notaries everything?
I like your innocence. Bro the most difficult and frustrating part of this whole process is "waiting", and you have probably entered into that stage. Also there are no set timelines between various stages which makes it even more frustrating and waiting becomes toooo tiresome. You should get AOR within two to three months, then there should be RBVO after another couple of months, then you should have your ecas status changed to "in process" and it comes after around four to six months of the RBVO. Here the actual waiting starts, cuz this status stays till the time " decision made" appears on your ecas. In process is the stage at which background checks and security checks take place. During this time you get MR if vO is satisfied with your background checks and then comes the PPr after VO is satisfied with your medicals and security checks. Having known the various stages, now just spare some time in going through the timelines of various applicants on this forum...will give you a good idea. Best of luck


Hero Member
May 17, 2013
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jul 2011
Doc's Request.
Nov 4, 2013
Med's Request
Nov 4, 2013
Med's Done....
Sept 2013
Passport Req..
Feb 21, 2014
Feb 25, 2014
March 6, 2014
etha4u said:
can anyone tell me what will happend after your application received by CIC, will they communicate with you?
How will you know your uic number and track your application?

The best way to answer your question is to say-wait and see. The waiting period could be tiring but if you are engaged, you will not feel it so much. Depending on your visa office, FSW applications may be processed between 6 months and 4 years.

Welcome to the waiting queue


Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Visa Office......
SGVO-PER received
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
thanks guys for your replies and ensure waiting stage :D

its 4 days CIO received my apps but i am checking my inbox every other time!
I hope for miracles..:) well I also noticed no body's money is en-cashed by CIO and that excel list contains 250+ applications. lets consider it 400+ ..why people are panicking that caps will be filled. But everyone should hurry!..When I 1st realized 300 caps I can still remember my panic.

there are not many applicants yet to each noc. I believe it's a tiring process to fill up all the docs and prepare it and then send it.
Alhamdulilah I sent, but it took 34 days almost to complete entire process. Thanks to Allah for everything.

How do you know your dd has been en-cashed? will bank notify you?

I wonder why there is no SLA for CIO, and they didn't update there cap list official site till 3May!.

awai ali

Champion Member
May 30, 2011
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
November 2011
Doc's Request.
March 2013
File Transfer...
April 2012
Med's Request
March 2014
Med's Done....
April 2014
February 2014
Passport Req..
PPR1 and PPR2 in June with gap of 10 days .....
ما شاء الله ,الحمد لله......July 2014......
September 2014...Living Happily in Vancouver B.C.
First stage is PER......before this new session it comes to applicant after 3 to 4 month.....but now due less applications at Nova Scotia they are announcing within 4 weeks .....might b in 3 weeks......so good luck..........


Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Visa Office......
SGVO-PER received
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Thanks Bro :)

I got this below post I hope it brings some clarity to CIC process:

Hi guys,

below are the information I found on another website as to how the processing works for FSW, since they have to send their documents to CIO first, I am assuming that would be the process for us.. cheers Smiley

Got the below information from the following link: http://get2canada.wordpress.com/the-process/

Ok below is the actual process, as experienced by myself and other friends and forum members, of applying for residency under the Federal Skiller Worker programme.

Please note that this process is only for applications received by CIO on or after 26th June 2010.

1) CIO Sydney – Completeness check
Once your application arrives at CIO, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada the first thing that happens is it will undergo a completeness check. This check will ensure:
- That you have included all required forms
- That any forms which have space for a signature have been signed and dated
- That you have not left any blank fields
- That you have included the correct payment fee
- That you have included all supporting documents required by both the main CIO checklist, and the visa-office specific checklist

If unsuccessful your entire application will be returned to you by regular post with a covering letter. You will not get an email notification from CIO.

2) CIO Sydney – Payment charged
If your completeness check is successful your payment will be taken. This means CIO will attempt to charge your credit card, or they will cash your banker's draft, depending on which method of payment you chose.

I would personally strongly advise using a banker's draft if possible. These are like personal cheques but they are guaranteed to clear so there can be no payment problems. Most banks will usually charge a small fee for issuing one of these.

Credit cards can be risky. Many banks and credit card issuers use automated security software and when the software sees the source from Canada it may block the transaction, which in turn could lead to your application failing and being returned.

If your payment is unsuccessful your entire application will be returned to you by regular post with a covering letter. You will not get an email notification from CIO.

I guess up until the payment charged would be applicable to us for PNP and the rest of the information is application to FSW

3) CIO Sydney – Eligibility review
CIO then perform a complete eligibility review on your application, based on the information you have provided on your forms and they will examine your supporting documents to ensure it backs up the claims you have made.

For FSW1, they will be looking that the descriptions of your duties match the description of the NOC/s under which you are applying and will want to be satisfied that you have at least 1 year's continuous employment in at least one of the 29 in demand occupations.

For FSW2, they will need to see an AOE (Arranged Employment Opinion) or positive LMO (Labour Market Opinion) with a TWP and this must be for a job in Skill Levels 0 (Managerial) or A or B on the NOC list.

For both categories they will also assess your application against the selection criteria – age, education, work experience, adaptability, job offer and language skils etc, to ensure you have 67 points. They will use your supporting documents to convince themselves that there is sufficient proof to back up the claims you have made on your forms in these areas.

If your eligibility review is unsuccessful you will receive an email stating the reasons and your entire application will be returned to you. Since CIO have already taken payment by this point they will initiate a refund of your fees, which will likely take several months to get to you. Please note this is the last point at which you will receive a refund if your application is unsuccessful.

At this stage your ECAS status should now read “CIO eligibility review complete”.

UPDATE 18-Apr-2011: Please note that several people have been told that you do not get your application back AT ALL if your application is failed at the eligibility review stage, all you will receive is a refund for your processing fee.

4) CIO Sydney – PER issued and file transferred
If your eligibility review is successful, CIO will send you a confirmation of positive final eligiblity review. This will be by email if you specified an email on your application, otherwise they will send a letter by regular post. They will then transfer your file to the CHC/VO (Canadian High Commission/Visa Office) for further processing.

Please see the “PER” page of this blog for the text of the PER and also the CIC email address from which it will arrive, so you can add this into your contacts list on your email.

Once the file gets to the visa office (which usually takes 2 to 4 weeks) your ECAS status will read “Received by visa office”.

5) 2nd AOR from visa office

Once your application arrives at the visa office, they will sit on it for a while. When they are in a position to process it most visa offices will send you a 2nd AOR. Please see the link at the top for an example of this, from Manila office and the wordings vary from visa office to visa office. Also some offices send by email, and others send by snail mail. There is still no need to do anything at this stage. A few visa offices, most notably London, will not send a 2nd AOR at all but will skip this and go straight to medicals, or ask for further documentation.

6) Processing begins – document background checks

Once the visa office begins processing your file they will commence with document background checks.

At this stage your ECAS status should now read “In Process” with the extra line in the detail “Your application was reviewed and we started processing on <Date>”.

This document background check will include ascertaining the authenticity of your documents, and since they use some third party companies for this it could take a varying level of time depending on your visa office, the complexity of your case, and even the speed of the individual visa officer looking at your case. They may also perform employment verification checks which will involve telephoning both you (whilst at work) and your employer to ensure you give the same answers on their questions about your employment. Only a small percentage of applicants are likely to receive employment verification. Only if they are unconvinced by any of the work experience documents you sent, or if your application is one of the random spotchecks they do to prevent fraud, will they actually perform the verification.

Visa office may request further documentation from you during the processing phase, which can come by email or snail mail. They may also ask for a few things (PCCs or fresh forms) at the same time as medicals (see below)

7) Medical requests and RPRF fee request

Once the document background checks are completed satisfactorily, the visa office will write to you (usually by snail mail) requesting you to complete medicals and also requests RPRF (Right of Permanent Residents fee). They may also ask for updated documents such as PCCs and fresh forms at this stage. Please note that New Delhi visa office will also request passports at this stage. Most other visa offices will not request passports until they are about to finalise the application.

This will basically involve your booking medical appointments at one of the approved DMPs (Designated Medical Practicioner) throughout the country. The fee will vary slightly from DMP to DMP, but they are usually around CAD $450 per person, obviously converted into your own currency.

RPRF at this time (18-Apr-2011) is CAD $490 for the principal applicant and also for accompanying spouse. So PA + spouse in total is CAD $980.


Full Member
May 29, 2013
Job Offer........
7) Medical requests and RPRF fee request


This will basically involve your booking medical appointments at one of the approved DMPs (Designated Medical Practicioner) throughout the country. The fee will vary slightly from DMP to DMP, but they are usually around CAD $450 per person, obviously converted into your own currency.

RPRF at this time (18-Apr-2011) is CAD $490 for the principal applicant and also for accompanying spouse. So PA + spouse in total is CAD $980.
Fee for medical: Is it really CAD $ 450? Or is it a typo?



Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Visa Office......
SGVO-PER received
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
i think it's a typo. I already checked who are authorize for that medical test in my country and it can't be more than $50 USD insAllah


Star Member
May 4, 2011
Job Offer........
Not so much of a typo at all. The fee for medical checks is country and doctor specific. I paid around $280 two years back.
If you want to know what you can expect, just check the designated doctors for your country and call one or two to get a quote. Based on your region of residence (visa office in Vienna) and the German flag in your signature, I very much doubt that the quotes would be under 200/300 EUR :(


Champion Member
May 12, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
In India, you can easily get some minor surgery done for CAD$ 450 (when converted into Indian rupees) :eek: .. in no way this can be fee for medical tests.. most likely it should be 45-50 CAD$ for comprehensive medical check up


Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Visa Office......
SGVO-PER received
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
neel-here said:
In India, you can easily get some minor surgery done for CAD$ 450 (when converted into Indian rupees) :eek: .. in no way this can be fee for medical tests.. most likely it should be 45-50 CAD$ for comprehensive medical check up
I agree with you, but probably it's for us only, who are from south continent of Asia!