I'm addicted to sleeping with the hubby! He's a great snuggler. We're both "rotissery sleepers," rolling over again and again through the night. First he's big spoon, then it's rolling time, and I'm big spoon.
While I applied inland and we share a home, he's military. He'll have been gone fully half of our first year here when the anniversary of our move arrives in July.

I've quit even trying to sleep in our queen bed when he's away. I just switch to the sofa, so I can fall asleep to the tv. Our bedroom is far too quiet without his breathing and light snoring, and our bed is way too big and empty when I'm alone in it. The husband says I'm like a vagrant, sleeping on the sofa, while I insist that vagrants don't have nice couches and flat screen tvs.

He's like a sleep ninja; he can crash out in mere moments given a horizontal position, while I take a little longer to fall asleep. The first few days after he gets home after a deployment or course, I lay away for 20 minutes or half an hour, just thrilling in listening to his sleeping breaths and soft snores. I know, I'm a weirdo!