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Afghanistan Spouse Sponsorship thru India


Star Member
Jan 17, 2014
Canada, Vancouver
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
2nd Medical Done January 2015 - Waiting For Passport Request
Med's Done....
I Hope The Process Get Finnish Before Any 3rd Medical Request !!!
Passport Req..
Afghanistan2014 said:
I have one Message for all Afghans who are living in abroad countries , i will post it after prayers. Inshallah

قابل توجه مردم افغانستان که در خارج از کشور به سر میبرند بیدون اینکه بدانند که چرا از همدیگر گریزانند و گرفتن همسر یا شوهر را از افغانستان ترجیح میدهند
تعریف ازدواج از دیدگاه اسلام
ازدواج مرحلة مهمی از تشکیل خاناده است که بیش از همه مراسم رویدادهای زندگی انسان در جنبه‌های متعدد فردی و زیستی و اجتماعی، امری جهانی و از نظر هدف ثابت و پایدار است. این فرآیند عبارت است از کنش متقابل مرد و زنی که برخی شرایط قانونی را تحقق بخشیده‌اند. ازدواج، بین فرهنگ و طبیعت تعادل برقرار می‌کند و از نوعی تقدًس برخوردار است و در مقایسه با سایر روابط انسانی، تمامیّتی بی‌نظیر دارد؛ بدین معنا که ابعاد زیستی، اقتصادی، عاطفی، روانی و اجتماعی زندگی را پوشش می‌دهد. تعالیم اسلام نیز بر نکات فوق در ازدواج تأکید دارد، هر چند برخی را بیشتر مورد توجه قرار می‌دهد.
در قرآن از ازدواج به عنوان «پیمانی محکم» یاد شده است و جملاتی که در عقد ازدواج و هم زمان با آن از سوی یک طرف گته می‌شود و طرف مقابل نیز آن را می‌پذیرد، نشان از استواری این پیوند دارد. برخی از این جملات از متن قرآن گرفته شده و بر این استوار است که زن و مرد باید به صورت مناسب و مطلوب به زندگی مشترک خویش ادامه دهند، و در صورتی که بخواهند از هم جدا شوند باید با احسان و نیکی به یکدیگر همراه باشد. در عین حال، پیمان زناشویی محکم‌ترین قرارداد اجتماعی است که می‌توان آن را ناشی از دوستی شدید و رحمت متقابل بین زن و شوهر دانست که قرآن به اشاره کرده است.
از آثار روان شناختی ازدواج که تا حدی به نوع این پیمان مربوط می‌شود، تأثیر و تأثر شدید زن و شوهر از یکدیگر است که شاید بتوان آن را عمیق‌ترین و قوی‌ترین تأثیر و تأثر متقابل در روابط اجتماعی دانست.ژ
اگر می‌بینیم در تعالیم اسلامی به افراد توصیه می‌شود پیش از اقدام به ازدواج، در گزینش همسر و انجام مراسم در مراحل بعدی، با نماز و دعا و توکل بر خدا رفتارهای خود را همراه کنند، به این جهت است که ازدواج را با معنویت همراه کنند و به آن تقدّس بخشند تا بتوانند زمینه تکامل و رشد انسانی را فراهم آورند.
از نکات دیگری که دین اسلام در ازدواج مورد توجه قرار داده، مراسم و تشریفات آن است. اهمیت این مراسم به حدی است که اولیای دین (ع) تفاوت ازدواج و روابط جنسی نامشروع را در برگزاری مراسم ویژه که معمولاً همراه با جشن و شادمانی است، اعلام کرده‌اند. جالب توجه آن است که تعالیم اسلام برای مراسم ازدواج، استثناهایی در نظر گرفته که درواقع به بُعد لزوم جشن و شادمانی در ازدواج باز می‌گردد. غنا که آوازخوانی طرب‌انگیز است، در برخی مراسم ازدواج با رعایت حدود خاص، جایز شمرده شده است. برگزاری مراسم ازدواج باعث می‌شود زن و شوهر، خود را از نظر روانی برای شروع یک زندگی مشترک آماده کنند و ازدواج را امر مهمی تلقی نمایند که افراد زیادی در فراهم آوردن شرایط آن یاری کرده‌اند، نه یک مسئله ساده در زندگی که بتوان به آسانی آن را به هم زد، یا به وظایف مترتب بر آن بی اعتنا بود. حضور و شادی دیگران در این مراسم به رضایت زوجین و افزایش ارزش مثبت خود آنها کمک می‌کند. شروع زندگی جدید با برگزاری مراسم، تشویق دیگران را به نوعی همراه دارد و زمینه ازدواج افراد دیگر را نیز فراهم می‌کند​

چرا مردم ما با همدیگر که در کشورهای خارجی زندگی میکنند با هم ساخته نمیتوانند ؟
چرا مردم ما ترجیح میدهند که اگر از افغانستان خانم یا شوهر بیگیریم شاید به نفع ما باشد ؟
اصل مشکل در عدم مرعات نمودن اصول و احکام اسلامی هست ولی اینجا میخواهم به طرف دیگر آن نظر اندازی کنم
اگر کسی به این فکر هست طور مثال از افغانستان خانم/شوهر میگیرم گویا او از قوانین، مقررات و طرزالعمل ها و حقوق شهروندی خویش خبر ندارد و در یک فضای کاملاً بیخبری و غفلت همرایم کورکورانه همرایم زندگی خواهم کرد و هر آنچه من بالای او لازم دانم میکنم ، همانند یک چوپان که گوسفندانش را صبح به چراگاه میبرد و شب پس خانه می آورد !!! ه
اگر کسی به چنین افکار ازدواج میکند در حقیقت خود و طرف مقابل را فریب میدهد چون شخص تازه وارد به کشور خارجی روزی از تمامی حقوق اش با خبر میشود و در صورتیکه ملاحظات در رابطه به کج روی طرف مقابل پیدا نمائید با وی مقابل و محاسبه خواهد نمود ( البته اکثر اوقات جهت اصلاح و تنبیه شخص مقابل ) در صورت عدم اصلاح با برخورد باالمثل مواجع خواهد شد در آخرین تحلیل جدایی و طلاق واقع خواهد شد .
یک سوال از شما هم دارم در صورتیکه شما از افغانستان خانم میگیرید همشیره شما که در کشور خارجی هست با او کی ازدواج کند بالاخره ؟ یا او را هم به افغانستان می آورید ؟
خلاء های زیادی در میان ما مردم متاسفانه موجود هست و برای نسل های آینده نیز ارمغان بد ببار می آورد بهتر هست ضمیرهای خویش را اصلاح نمائیم منحیث یک مسلمان کامل زندگی کنیم انشاالله در هیچ راه زندگی ناکام نخواهیم ماند در غیر آن اگر سنتی و عرفی برخورد کنیم دامن گیر چنین مشکلات خواهیم شد ابعداً .
آرزو مند ام که از حرفهای شکسته و ریخته ام چیزی مستفید شده باشید و سبب عصبانیت تان نشده باشد.
به آرزوی روزیکه مسلمان واقعی باشیم نه تذکره یی و به امید روزیکه در هرجا مسلمانان افغانستان ازدواج کند مشکلی پدید نه آید.
یک نظر عالی هست بسیار تشکر از اینکه ذهنیت ها را روشن میسازید


Star Member
Dec 18, 2012
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
21-11-2013/ status changed to IP on 04-02-14
AOR Received.
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Med's Request
Med's Done....
24-09-12 sent w/ file
Passport Req..
oct. 8 2014
November 2014
so finally some good news!!
I got a call from my lawyer today asking for a copy of my hubby's valid passport sent to her via email..now to me thats weird cause i thought CIC requires original passport..has anyone been asked that?


Hero Member
Dec 31, 2011
Visa Office......
Islamabad/ New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
15-07-2013 IVO/ 06-03-2014 to NDVO
Med's Request
Remeds#1:24-06-2014 #2: 11-12-2015
Med's Done....
Initial:08-28-2012; #1:24-06-2014; #2: 12-12-2015
Waived according to GCMS notes
Passport Req..
DM Jan 16, 2016 PPR Mar 08, 2016
positivity said:
so finally some good news!!
I got a call from my lawyer today asking for a copy of my hubby's valid passport sent to her via email..now to me thats weird cause i thought CIC requires original passport..has anyone been asked that?
Did you send the copy of passport with the application package when you first applied? If not, that could be why they're asking for it now


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad now in New Delhi since Feb 2014
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
7, September, 2012
AOR Received.
17, October, 2012
File Transfer...
17, October, 2012
Med's Request
May 20, 2014
Med's Done....
11, June, 2012
Passport Req..
Oct 30, 2014
positivity said:
so finally some good news!!
I got a call from my lawyer today asking for a copy of my hubby's valid passport sent to her via email..now to me thats weird cause i thought CIC requires original passport..has anyone been asked that?
Seems like your sponsorship application package was not complete you missed to copy the pages for their passport but call your lawyer and ask why they the need copy of passport for also don't mention this to your lawyer if u have missed or anything and let us know what happened.


Full Member
May 24, 2014
HI Guys,

I am glade i found this forum.

I got a letter from CIC saying my wife and my child's PR application is referred to NEW DEHLI, just to let you know that i am in Canada and and my wife and kid is in Afghanistan. so my question is:

1.Where do i send the application to? is it by mail to;

High Commission of Canada,
Immigration Section,
7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110 021, India

2.Do they need the bio-metric when u send the application to them? if yes how and where in Afg-KABUL?
3.How do you send the Passport for the visa stamping, i know you cant send it visa dhl etc? is there any other mission taking care of this matter to take Afghan passports for visa stamping and bring it back. because for certain countries who Embassy is in India and not in Kabul the Indian Embassy takes passport on their behalf and send it to them to DEHLI and you get back your passport from Indian embassy ?

while in this situation i need your opinion to know how u guys sent yours?

Requesting all members to give their opinions.


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad now in New Delhi since Feb 2014
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
7, September, 2012
AOR Received.
17, October, 2012
File Transfer...
17, October, 2012
Med's Request
May 20, 2014
Med's Done....
11, June, 2012
Passport Req..
Oct 30, 2014
Karim11 said:
HI Guys,

I am glade i found this forum.

I got a letter from CIC saying my wife and my child's PR application is referred to NEW DEHLI, just to let you know that i am in Canada and and my wife and kid is in Afghanistan. so my question is:

1.Where do i send the application to? is it by mail to;

High Commission of Canada,
Immigration Section,
7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110 021, India

2.Do they need the bio-metric when u send the application to them? if yes how and where in Afg-KABUL?
3.How do you send the Passport for the visa stamping, i know you cant send it visa dhl etc? is there any other mission taking care of this matter to take Afghan passports for visa stamping and bring it back. because for certain countries who Embassy is in India and not in Kabul the Indian Embassy takes passport on their behalf and send it to them to DEHLI and you get back your passport from Indian embassy ?

while in this situation i need your opinion to know how u guys sent yours?

Requesting all members to give their opinions.
As far as I know that's the correct address but still make sure you double check you can call cic centre and they should be able to help u with the correct address and for passport that's correct that u cannot Dhl passports in Afg so the best way is to take your passport to India and Dhl it from there also u will gonna have to get a pre pay dhl package and also get a mail box in dhl location and u will receive it back in 4 to 6 weeks or if you have somebody in India with proper address and trust able person you can use their address. Hope that helped.


Full Member
May 24, 2014
yamayama said:
As far as I know that's the correct address but still make sure you double check you can call cic centre and they should be able to help u with the correct address and for passport that's correct that u cannot Dhl passports in Afg so the best way is to take your passport to India and Dhl it from there also u will gonna have to get a pre pay dhl package and also get a mail box in dhl location and u will receive it back in 4 to 6 weeks or if you have somebody in India with proper address and trust able person you can use their address. Hope that helped.

Thanks Yama for your opinion appreciate that. CIC didnt helped much all they sent to me was the website of Canadian High comm in Dehli so i had to digg my self thats why i wanna confirm with you guys who ever sent the application to New Dehli office they will be in a better position to confirm this. how ever this is abit frustrating to find out about how can my wife and kid will send the original passport to Dehli and worse thing i dont know anyone in India just for the passport all this hassle, there should be a better way.

so how about the finger prints dont they ask for that before you send the application to them?



Hero Member
Jun 3, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad now in New Delhi since Feb 2014
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
7, September, 2012
AOR Received.
17, October, 2012
File Transfer...
17, October, 2012
Med's Request
May 20, 2014
Med's Done....
11, June, 2012
Passport Req..
Oct 30, 2014
Karim11 said:
Thanks Yama for your opinion appreciate that. CIC didnt helped much all they sent to me was the website of Canadian High comm in Dehli so i had to digg my self thats why i wanna confirm with you guys who ever sent the application to New Dehli office they will be in a better position to confirm this. how ever this is abit frustrating to find out about how can my wife and kid will send the original passport to Dehli and worse thing i dont know anyone in India just for the passport all this hassle, there should be a better way.

so how about the finger prints dont they ask for that before you send the application to them?

Salam aliakum
Karim bro, couple days ago I received and email for remeds and on the correspondence was this address but once again keep in mind that DHL/Feedex/UPS doesn't deliver to P.O Box and as far as I know my uncle's wife was landed 3 months ago and my sister-in-law landed last year there was nothing mentioned about finger prints. When it comes up to the passport request then somebody has to take the passports to India, I know it's a big headache, you can choose somebody from Afg to there and stay there as well for couple weeks or they can drop the passport and once when it's ready they can go pick it up cause you will have the tracking number and keep checking it whenever they are ready just send someone from Afg but again somebody who u can trust. Hope this helped. Good luck!!!

High Commission of Canada
Visa Section
P.O. Box 5209
New Delhi
110021, India


Star Member
Dec 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
21-11-2013/ status changed to IP on 04-02-14
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
24-09-12 sent w/ file
Passport Req..
oct. 8 2014
November 2014
Outlandish said:
Did you send the copy of passport with the application package when you first applied? If not, that could be why they're asking for it now
yea I sent the copy of the passport when i first applied which was last year..now the passport they had on file expired so that's y they asked me to resend a copy with valid passport..so we did on friday..but i'm so confused as to why they asked for the copy and not the original..because from what i gather from everyone..immigration usually asks for the original..also the request came from CIC and not NDVO.


Star Member
Dec 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
21-11-2013/ status changed to IP on 04-02-14
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
24-09-12 sent w/ file
Passport Req..
oct. 8 2014
November 2014
yamayama said:
Seems like your sponsorship application package was not complete you missed to copy the pages for their passport but call your lawyer and ask why they the need copy of passport for also don't mention this to your lawyer if u have missed or anything and let us know what happened.
my lawyer sent everything on my behalf and as I previously mentioned the copy of the passport was sent when I initially filed the sponsorship last March..


Hero Member
Aug 1, 2012
Job Offer........
I have a question. The sponsor is in canada and wants to sponsor his wife. His wife is afghan nationality but was born and lived her whole life in pakistan. Does her application go to london or india?


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad now in New Delhi since Feb 2014
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
7, September, 2012
AOR Received.
17, October, 2012
File Transfer...
17, October, 2012
Med's Request
May 20, 2014
Med's Done....
11, June, 2012
Passport Req..
Oct 30, 2014
masoud100 said:
I have a question. The sponsor is in canada and wants to sponsor his wife. His wife is afghan nationality but was born and lived her whole life in pakistan. Does her application go to london or india?
Her application will go to London cause she is born in Pakistan and I assumed that she has a Pakistani National Identity Card, same like we have tazkera or in India even though you born in Afghanistan but they will give u a rashan card. Also she will have to take her Police Clearance Certificate from Pakistan as well, so definetly it's London Office and good luck.


Full Member
May 24, 2014
yamayama said:
Salam aliakum
Karim bro, couple days ago I received and email for remeds and on the correspondence was this address but once again keep in mind that DHL/Feedex/UPS doesn't deliver to P.O Box and as far as I know my uncle's wife was landed 3 months ago and my sister-in-law landed last year there was nothing mentioned about finger prints. When it comes up to the passport request then somebody has to take the passports to India, I know it's a big headache, you can choose somebody from Afg to there and stay there as well for couple weeks or they can drop the passport and once when it's ready they can go pick it up cause you will have the tracking number and keep checking it whenever they are ready just send someone from Afg but again somebody who u can trust. Hope this helped. Good luck!!!

High Commission of Canada
Visa Section
P.O. Box 5209
New Delhi
110021, India
Thanks Yama Bro

Appreciate it your answer is helpful. i know the DHL etc dont send package to PO Box i checked on other forums almost the same concern about the po box thingy so they normally dont put the p o box but the address as i mentioned above with the Immigration section or visa section on the top it will be delivered to them. its good to hear that no finger print bcs it would have been another headache. as of now the CIC didnt ask me to send the passport copy and other stuff but only application for PR for i know it would delay the whole process cuz they ganna ask for it anyways thats why i will send everything at one package and see what they say.

CIC is getting better since 2014 in-terms of application and waiting period everything got doubled, so how long is the waiting process from the day u send application to them?


Hero Member
Jun 3, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad now in New Delhi since Feb 2014
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
7, September, 2012
AOR Received.
17, October, 2012
File Transfer...
17, October, 2012
Med's Request
May 20, 2014
Med's Done....
11, June, 2012
Passport Req..
Oct 30, 2014
Karim11 said:
Thanks Yama Bro

Appreciate it your answer is helpful. i know the DHL etc dont send package to PO Box i checked on other forums almost the same concern about the po box thingy so they normally dont put the p o box but the address as i mentioned above with the Immigration section or visa section on the top it will be delivered to them. its good to hear that no finger print bcs it would have been another headache. as of now the CIC didnt ask me to send the passport copy and other stuff but only application for PR for i know it would delay the whole process cuz they ganna ask for it anyways thats why i will send everything at one package and see what they say.

CIC is getting better since 2014 in-terms of application and waiting period everything got doubled, so how long is the waiting process from the day u send application to them?
Salam Aliakum brother Karim,

It was 29 months then 32 months now NDVO is 13 month and I have applied on September 2012 and then I visit my wife in 2013 but also I have never send any additional documents and my sister applied for her husband in November 2012 and she hasn't heard anything yet either.


Hero Member
Sep 4, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad -- New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2012
File Transfer...
November 2012 but according to GCMS; July 2013 [ISB] ; February 15th 2014 [New Delhi]
Med's Request
May 26 2014
Med's Done....
May 28 2014, ecas changed to IN PROCESS May 29 2014; Emedical sent to CIC June 8 2014; Ecas DECISION MADE June 21
Passport Req..
Alhamdullilah on July 29 2014; Islamabad received PP August 11
Alhamdullilah September 18, 2014!!!
Alhamdullilah September 27, 2014!!!
So I received a re-medical today. actually it was 1:28am last night lol

thank god, for an update. inshallah khaire after this