grizano said:
So, I take it that in our case, for both of these forms, the "principal applicant" does not need to fill them out.
no, your understanding is wrong here. please re-read my previous answer about the additional family information form (IMM 5406):
CDNPR2014 said:
you as the sponsor do not fill out the form, since this is a form for applicants applying for PR. ONLY the principle applicant (and any dependants listed in the application applying for PR) need to fill out the additional family information form. Your wife's family, you and your children will need to be listed on her form.
For application purposes, you are not the "spouse" or "family member". you are ONLY the sponsor, and the sponsor does not fill out any applicant forms.
This means:
The Principal applicant definitely needs to fill out the additional family information form (IMM 5406), as it is a required applicant form. The additional DEPENDANT form (IMM 0008DEP) only needs to be filled out if the applicant has a dependant (child) also seeking PR status.
The SPONSOR - you - do not fill out these forms because you are not an applicant. you are a sponsor and only need to fill out sponsor forms. Your wife, the principal applicant must fill out all required applicant forms. if she doesn't have children applying for PR with her, then she does not have dependants and does not need to fill out the dependant form.
the principal applicant and the sponsor fill out different forms. just because you the sponsor doesn't have to fill out the form, doesn't mean the your wife principal applicant doesn't need to do so. use the guide and the checklist. the sponsor ONLY fills out the forms on the sponsor's list. The applicant ONLY fills out the forms on the applicant list.