ramthi123 said:Thanks Pari & Mannte for your inputs
Have sent email to CPP-O with Birth certifcate copy on May 18th, Have sent a reminder email on June 2nd for the change to application.
Would wait for response on which forms i need to fill
Pari, If you can say the forms that were filled by you for your spouse addition - i can start filling those forms and keep it ready - as i see dependants addition to application could be the simillar for spouse and kid
Nope most of the forms had to be filled by him and he had to sign it. Only the main form (forgot the number.... which has all the details of where you live and when you entered canada etc) was filled by me. I filled the forms based on the reply I received from CPP-O regarding adding my spouse to the application. If it has been some time email them again, they dint reply to my first email either! I sent them another email after 1 month to which I got the reply! Sometimes they just forget to reply!