you were too quick to have opt into submitting a new application after someone on this forum previously advised you to wait on a little while..You seem very knowledgeable about this so I hope you can help me out with this. Long story short, I submitted the new application. My parents thought it'd be better for me to do so. I went offline so I submitted my passport as well. However, after that I got an email requesting my passport (for the reopened application). They also state that a medical test is needed, however, I've already gotten one done. What do I do now?
the only option left is for you to cancel the fresh application, and get back your passport for stamping and the emedical slip can be sent as an attachment to CIC office specifically processing your application
with this gesture, you might loose both if you don't act fast and make a decision. It will be advise for you to go for the passport request for stamping