A best friend of mine sponsored her dear husband year 2007,police record(NBI record shows the same name with a convicted person) caused their PR app(her and his) delayed. Visa was issued September 2012, she then flew to the Philippines for a vacation and brought her husband back in Canada in January 2013, after 3 weeks of living together, the husband left her (she is 2 months preggy, which hurts me a lot as a friend). I advised her to report it to the immigration. Fraud Marriage was filed. Immigration investigates, after 4 months she was called in to immigration office in Ottawa. The officer told her that it is not a fraud marriage instead it was a marital issues, the husband somehow manage to turn the table around and get away with it. He told the immigration that my friend is having an affair with a friend (girl) which is a lie, the girl is also a very good friend of mine (they both living together and share the rent). The immigration did not even interview the girl whose name was dragged in the case. The case is closed, the officer told her upront!
Most of the times we are confused on how to interpret the immigration law.
Most of the times we are confused on how to interpret the immigration law.