Well... C24 only existed because the previous government wanted to appeal to the exact same people that are spreading nonsense on that article. Didn't work, but we got our 1 or 2 years delay nonetheless.
The view that the Canadian citizenship (and same for the PR, the refugee status...) is handed to everyone with zero scrunity shouldn't be taken lightly. It has political and real life consequences. Nobody here wants to be told that he's abusing a lax system and lives in Canada because of that system while other countries respect themselves and respect their (true, native) citizens. Also, the sense of belonging to this nation is strengthened when the view that a Canadian is a Canadian is widely shared.
If this is not an issue related to the citizenship, I don't know what it is...
Also, you may consider this side discussion to be useless and you are obvious entitled to your opinion, but this is not a good enough reason to attack complete strangers on a public forum with your multiple exclamation points sentences à la How dare you.
"Guys, let's discuss the core of the post please

" does the same without the aggressive tone.